30- He Likes It Cold

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"You actually brought me ice skating?" The brunette's eyes lit up with excitement upon rereading the sign; he had never been ice skating before, and the idea thrilled him.

Mike chuckled with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "I thought it would be a fun surprise. I know how much you love those old movies with ice skating scenes, so I thought why not give it a try?"

Will's heart swelled with gratitude, "This is amazing! Let's get going then," he exclaimed, grabbing Mike's arm dragging him inside with a bubbly smile.

Mike couldn't help but smile at the brunette's childlike wonder, sighing in relief knowing he had chosen the right surprise for their date.

Will's excitement was palpable as they entered the skating rink, feeling cold air that sent a shiver down his spine but barely noticing as he pulled Mike along to the front desk. He was busy looking around at the large glistening ice surface and the colourful lights that covered the rink.

Woah! This place is pretty!

Mike approached the counter, exchanging a friendly greeting with the staff. He used to be a regular at this ice rink, so they knew him well; the man behind the counter was middle aged with a thick beard and glasses with a smirk on his face; he had seen Mike come in several times before but never with a companion.

"Hey there Murray." The ravenette said with a warm smile,

"Mike, my man," The overly eccentric employee behind the counter greeted with a wide grin, "Long time no see. And who's this young fella you have with you today?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

Mike chuckled; his cheeks tinting pink, "This is, um, Will, he's my friend."

The brunette raised a hand to the air, slightly waving, "Nice to meet you, I'm Will. Mike's friend." he repeated awkwardly,

Murray looked at them, casting his eyes between both of them with a knowing smirk, "Friends, huh?" he smiled, "Just two buddies on an ice-skating adventure?"

"I mean, it's not like I wouldn't want to date him; like this is technically a date, but we haven't confirmed anything because I ambushed him in his house and locked him in the bathroom and he threw a book at me and attacked me, so..." The ravenette rambled.

"Would you like to explain that again?" Murray simply blinked, obviously confused by the situation,

Mike sighed, embarrassed by his past actions, wanting to move on, "Can I just have the skates please? One in size nine and the other size eight."

The middle-aged man nodded awkwardly, quickly retrieving the skates, handing the pairs over to Mike, whispering, "Please don't lock anyone in the bathroom; it's frowned upon." he chuckled.

"Thanks Murray..." Mike pouted,

"Anytime, little Wheeler." he quipped.

The ravenette passed a pair of shoes over to Will, "Here you go!" he said grinning to the brunette, "Just slip these on and we'll be on the ice in no time!"

Will eagerly took his size skates. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building inside him. The cool air and the prospect of gliding on ice with Mike filled him with excitement.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now