18- Placeholder El

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---- 12:37 PM ----

The brunette rested his chin on his hand, waiting for Lunch; he just wanted to get this over with; he looked down at his paper; equations, numbers and shapes spreading all over the page. He was only halfway through the work. Frustration settled over him, the work blending together like some foreign language; like an indecipherable code.

He sighed, staring blankly at the problem, reading and re-reading the question in attempt to understand; he looked over to the person on his right, seeing him effortlessly work away; why was he finding this so hard? He wanted to ask for help, but he could never speak aloud because his voice cracks under the pressure, going over the million thoughts of how others will perceive him... he just wanted to blend into the background.

It was the fourth time he reread the question, hoping by some miracle the 'Maths fairy' would come help him make it all click.

The teacher's voice drowned in the background, talking audibly over something completely unrelated to the subject; his maths teacher usually did that, inviting one of her teacher friends from the department to gossip while the kids did their work.

The words were a distant hum to the brunette as his mind struggled to make sense of the math before him, mumbling to himself, "Do I use 'Sin' or 'Tan' for this side?" he pulled a face pulling on his hair, the words barely audible. His pencil tapped rhythmically against the desk as he tried to make sense of 'Pythagoras Theorem'.

As the minutes dragged on, Will couldn't help but daydream about the subjects he enjoyed more; Art and English. He would even rather do science then doing this right now. He longed for the moment the bell rings so he could leave from here; what time even was it?

He looked down at his watch, '12:43'? Really?

Realising it was almost time to pack up, he closed his textbook; his work remaining unfinished. Slowly, he began unzipping his bag, shuffling his books into them; any moment now, the bell would ring, and the brunette could leave this torture.

As if on cue, the bell rung as the teacher spoke, "Okay looks like you lot can go! Make sure you finish the worksheet!" she announced, continuing the conversation with the other teacher.

Without even a second thought, the brunette jumped up from his seat, taking a glance around the classroom, reaching his limit for the day. He walked out the room, the first one to do so, making his way to his locker, placing his textbook inside. Relief washed over him.

A sound made itself apparent on the lockers near his, it was quieter than usual; Troy and James were probably waiting for him the moment he closes his locker. He rolled his eyes, just wanting to get his torment over with. Yet as he closed his locker instead of seeing Troy or James rearing their ugly heads, he saw Mike, leaning on the lockers, casual and unconcerned, though it was clear he ran; a little out of breath.

"Mike?" the brunette's surprise was evident, "What are you doing here?"

"Just waiting for you!" Mike responded with a casual shrug and a friendly smile.

"Oh, I thought we were all meeting in the cafeteria?" Will tilted his head.

"Yeah... I was just making sure Troy and James didn't get to you first." he awkwardly chuckled.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now