10- Rainbow Cult

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---- A few days later; Thursday 5:43 PM ----

"Robin, have you noticed that Mike's been acting strange this week?" Will questioned. Days passed since the incident on Monday and now he sat on the confines of Scoops Ahoy; something he found himself doing more than usual. He sat on a highchair by the counter, a worried expression on his face as he vented to Robin, who diligently worked and handled orders. Will couldn't shake the underlining feelings that something in the dynamic of the brunette and the ravenette had changed; was he just over thinking?

The blue-eyed girl used her scooper, placing a scoop of mint chocolate onto a waffle cone, listening attentively as she completed her work, "Well, Mike's always been a bit of a weirdo though, you know." she said distracted, trying to lift his spirits.

The brunette chuckled, "That's not the kind of weird I mean... more of like... he's acting different ever since the argument on Monday!"

Robin smiled to the customer giving them the ice-cream cone, "Come again." repeating the phrase she said to every customer, before turning back to Will, "Different how?"

"I don't know. It's like he's acting straight up strange; when he talks to me it's like forced and awkward." The small boy confessed, leaning on the counter,

"Do you think he's avoiding you?" Robin tilted her head, relaxing herself as no customers stood in line.

"Not avoiding." the brunette clarified, "We talk at lunch and stuff, but I just... don't know. He's not usually this distant. It's like he's still mad at me or something, even though he should be the one apologising,"

"Didn't you throw a book at his head?" Robin chuckled a sly smirk on her face, never letting Will live that moment down,

"And I would do it again! that was deserved! You might be next if you continue bringing it up." Will gritted through his teeth in a jocular tone.

"Oh, shiver me timbers!" the blue-eyed girl placed a fake pout on her face, "Anyways carry on with your story."

"And today, he cancelled our D&D meet, which he never does, not even when he's sick." the small boy explained, throwing his hands to the air.

The blue-eyed girl furrowed her brows, nodding as if she was thinking of a solution, "Hmm, that is strange, but maybe he's just having a weird time coping."

"Coping? With what?"

"With you... with us!" she replied,

"You mean us 'dating'?" the brunette scrunched his face confused, finger-quoting the word 'dating'. Seeing the blue-eyed girl nod, Will continued, "What would he need to cope with?"

Robin had a small idea, but she didn't want to plant any ideas into the brunette's head, whatever is happening can happen; she wouldn't interfere; well not now at least. She could sense the tense hesitation in the ravenette; one she could spot a mile away.

"Oh, nothing, never mind. I didn't even know what I meant anyway," she lied, "Just try talking to him next time." she suggested, knowing that regardless, Will needed to address this directly with Mike; ignoring it would do nothing.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now