19- I Wish You Were...

516 16 122

TW- Underage drinking



"Hey..." the brunette opened the window, seeing Mike outside with a dumb smile on his face. Will asked a little bewildered. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey Will!" Mike greeted cheerfully, his voice carrying a hint of amusement; his cheeks a little flushed, he continued, "I... I just wanted to see you, buddy boo." he cooed.

Will's confusion deepened, furrowing his brows. Mike didn't usually act like this; he could tell something was off, "Are you okay, Mike? You seem... different." he said, wearing an awkward smile on his face.

The ravenette laughed a little too loudly, swaying slightly on his feet, "I'm more then okay Will! I'm fantastic!"

Will could help but chuckle; he was tempted to leave him outside, but he couldn't leave Mike alone; never; not in... whatever state he was in. He couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong; he was acting all loopy, like someone who was intoxicated, "Mike... are you... drunk?" he asked a little conflicted; Mike would never drink illegally, right?

"I... had a bit of a celebration; I found my dad's alcohol!" he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Will raised an eyebrow, "Celebrating what?"

But before Mike could answer, he let out a loud hiccup bursting into laughter. Whatever the reason for Mike's late-night visit, it was clear he was having a good time, "I was celebrating you!"

"What?" The brunette asked confused, "Actually it doesn't matter, come on in," the small boy said with a sigh, "But be quiet, Hop will kill you if he finds you drunk." he held out a hand to help Mike crawl through the window.

However, things didn't go as planned as the ravenette clumsily attempted to navigate the window, losing his balance, slipping on the curtain, tumbling forward. With a surprised yelp, he landed atop of Will, who let out an "Oomph!" as the air was knocked out of him.

Mike's drunken antics were more than a little comical and Will couldn't help but chuckle despite the awkward situation, "Mike? You okay?"

The tall boy nodded, sprawled all over the brunette's chest, making no effort to move as he lazily grinned, "I'm comfy here!" he murmured, his words slightly stirred from the alcohol.

Rolling his eyes, the brunette tried to push Mike off him gently, but his friend refused to budge, "Come on, get off me, you big goof!" he whined. His cheeks burned bright as he realised just how close they were, their bodies pressed together.

"Nope," Mike replied, his voice muffled as he nuzzled into Will's shoulder. "I like it here!" shuffling slightly.

Will, realising that the ravenette wasn't going to cooperate any time soon replied, "Fine," he sighed, "But you better not fall asleep on me!" he smiled sweetly.

"Thanks Will, you're the best!" Mike cooed.

"I know," the brunette giggled, "Why were you drinking? You know, you're too young right?" he scolded.

Mike hesitated for a moment sighing heavily, his alcohol induced brain clouding his words; his intoxicated breath became evident on Will skin, "I... I've just been thinking too much. About everything. About... about you." his voice soft and slurred.

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