3- Arcade

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---- Next day: Sunday 1:22 PM ----

The following day arrived as the party found themselves eagerly awaiting Will's 'girlfriend'. Will had been in contact with Robin, texting her all night and discussing ways to make them seem like a couple; she was equally excited about the plan, after all she was the one who suggested it. They both understood the reason for this charade, to protect both of them but especially the small boy.

The sun shone bright in the sky, casting long shadows on the sidewalk outside the arcade, the weather was warm; warmer than usual or maybe that was just the nerves of needing to pretend to be in this 'relationship'. So, either way, Will was feeling queasy. He frantically checked his phone as his friends stood by his side eager to meet the girl who had stolen his heart; both Lucas and Dustin jokingly teasing him. The brunette hoped Robin would soon turn up, she was already ten minutes late.

Will couldn't help but wonder how far they would go with this plan as he fidgeted with his fingers. He looked over to Mike and El who were holding hands as usual, but there was a hint of tension on Mike's side.

Yet El was over the moon for her brother, as soon as the doe-eyed girl returned home yesterday, she rushed to his room and asked him a bunch of questions about his new girlfriend; asking everything she could, like when they met, how tall she was, her age among other stuff. She wanted everything to be perfect for her brother even to the point of dressing him; making him wear a simple black graphic-Tee tucked into a pair of light blue jeans; it was something similar to what he'd normally wear but she liked this particular outfit the best.

But Mike seemed to be the most irked of this whole situation; whereas all the rest of his friends were excited to meet Robin, the ravenette only counted the minutes she was late; Will knew Mike was getting annoyed she wasn't here yet. With a scoff and a smirk, he remarked, "Seriously Will! Is this 'Robin' even real? Because I don't know any girl named Robin in our year."

Will furrowed his brows but didn't answer, he didn't understand why Mike was acting the way he was; probably just another random mood swing. The small boy shrugged, assuming this was just the ravenette being overprotective of the brunette like he had been his whole life; it was nothing new. It was similar to the way he acted when the group first met Max.

Yet Dustin chimed in with his peaceful voice, "I mean, there is Robin from Scoops Ahoy who works with Steve; it could be her." he suggested aloud while he pondered.

"The one who Steve tried flirting with but failed?" Lucas raised an eyebrow with a chuckle, "She really knocked his ego down a few pegs."

Mike however, remained sceptical, "Yeah but come on, why would she go for Will if she turned down Steve? No offence Will." Quickly adding the last sentence.

The brunette's temper flared, and he wanted to argue but couldn't find the right words, yet, before a syllable could leave his mouth, Max firmly butt into the conversation, "Mike, shut up. You're being a jerk."

"I'm just being realistic," he shrugged, "Don't you think it's weird he didn't tell anyone and then BOOM, he's in a supposed relationship."

Max never backed down, doubling down on her point, "Realistic my ass. You're just being a downright dick, so calm yourself."

"Yeah Mike, calm down," El repeated in a gentle tone, "I for one am excited to meet her,"

The ravenette grumbled but stopped arguing despite being visibly annoyed. He abided by his girlfriend's rules and didn't want to upset her.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now