31- Coming Out

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Mike felt himself melt into the kiss as the brunette pulled away. Feeling his insides warm and fuzzy, the ravenette leaned closer, wanting to meet Will's lips again but unable to find them. He opened his eyes, seeing the brunette's smug smile. Without thinking, Mike asked for another kiss, his heart racing with anticipation, "Will, please," he begged a little needy.

But the brunette rolled his eyes, deciding to keep Mike on his toes, "That depends on how you behave as my first boyfriend." He teased, his eyes sparkling with the same mischief Mike had the whole day.

Mike blushed in response, his cheeks turning a shade of pink, pouting, "Please Will! I promise I'll be the best boyfriend ever." he said, his eyes filled with sincerity, "I'll treat you like a king."

Will laughed at the display before him as a smile painted his face, "Well in that case..." he mocked, "I might reconsider the kiss."

The ravenette's face lit up, not wasting any time, leaning in once more, capturing Will's lips in another sweet, gentle kiss, keeping a hand cupping the brunette's face. Will allowed his hands to move, running his fingers through Mike's hair... so this is why people like kissing so much?

The kiss lasted mere seconds but felt like an eternity, this time Mike was first to pull away, whispering, "I'm looking forward to being your boyfriend,"

Will's eyes sparkled with happiness as he replied, "Me too..." standing in a silence for a moment before being cut out his trance, nervously saying, "Do you wanna come inside?"

"I would love to... but I should probably go." Mike replied.

"Oh." the brunette said surprised, "What's the rush?"

"I have something important to do, but I don't wanna say anything until I've completed it, you know?" the ravenette nervously admitted, hoping he wasn't coming off as mean or as if he was withholding information; it was just something he was very determined about and if he stayed or said anything, he worried his resolve would crumble,

"Oh, so we're keeping me in suspense, huh?" Will asked intrigued, though he pouted playfully.

Mike sighed, relieved Will wasn't getting angry at him, "It's just a little mystery; I promise I'll tell you."

"Mike... you don't have to tell me whatever this thing is, if you don't want to."

"I know..." the ravenette scratched the back of his neck, "But I want to because you're kinda like my inspiration for this."

"Inspiration...?" Will repeated; what did Mike mean?

"Yeah, it's just... something you said earlier, it got me thinking, like really thinking and well, I've decided to do it." Mike replied with a dumb grin.

"Figure skating?" the brunette furrowed his brows; they had done a lot of talking today and Will couldn't pinpoint one that was 'inspirational'.

"No- not figure skating," Mike chuckled, "It's something else, but don't worry about it! I'll tell you how it goes later, but for now I really have to go."

"Okay, I'll let you go... have fun doing whatever it is." the small boy smiled,

Mike produced a toothy grin, leaning in to give Will a soft kiss to the cheek before walking away from the porch. Picking up his bike that he had brought all the way in the morning, he waved, "Goodnight Will,"

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now