15- The Demogorgon, It Got Me

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—— Next day: Saturday 1:34 PM ——

As the car rolled down the street, the brunette sat in the backseat, occasionally stealing glances out the window at the passing scenery. Steve was behind the wheel as per usual with Robin in the passenger's seat. The atmosphere was light, with the conversation effortlessly flowing.

Will brought up the topic of the party, excitement evident in his voice, "I can't believe Mike's throwing me a party. He promised to be on his best behaviour; I don't know why he so suddenly decided to throw me one though!"

"Oh, I can answer this one!" Robin sarcastically chimed in with humour, raising a hand to the air, "It's probably to make up for locking you in a bathroom," she delivered the line with a sly grin, knowing it would get a reaction,

Steve couldn't help but roll his eyes at the comment, "Robin, you're terrible!" he chuckled, clear he was playing along.

Will smiled too, even though he was terrified when he was first locked in the bathroom; now he could look back and laugh at the whole situation, "Well... if I got a party every time he did something stupid, then I'm still waiting on the last twenty." the brunette smirked with the same amount of sass.

The small boy's mind drifted, thinking about the party and the events that had led up to it; it was strange indeed. He knew El was already there helping to set up; she left an hour ago claiming to be 'hanging out with Max' giggling furiously and nervously before leaving. Will knew she was trying her hardest not to explode and tell him everything; including spoiling the surprise; she was never the best at keeping silly things a secret. Yet, the thought of Mike wanting to do this to make up for his previous birthday was heart-warming.

Robin then immediately popped in with another thought, turning her body to face the two boys; knowing to prepare Steve to what he may witness inside. She cleared her throat speaking, "Steve, in the party, we," she pointed repeatedly toward herself and Will, "are going to act like a couple!"

Will backed her up with a concerned expression, "Yeah, but you can't laugh, no matter how ridiculous it gets!"

The funky boy raised an eyebrow, a mix of curiosity and amusement, already chuckling, "Listen I'm the most serious person you've ever met!"

"Steve this is serious!" the small boy reprimanded with a pout of mocking seriousness, "We need you to keep a straight face!"

"That's going to be hard!" the funky boy joked, "How straight?"

"As straight as the next man!" Robin mused.

"Well considering the 'next man' in this car is gay, I don't think that's the best advice." Steve grinned ear to ear.

The brunette rolled his eyes; a gay joke? Seriously? If this was another situation, he would have laughed but upon reaching Mike's Street, he was bubbling with nervousness, "Steve..." he deadpanned.

The funky boy, still grinning, nodded enthusiastically, "Okay fine! My face is a mask; not a singular chuckle shall escape these lips!"

But just as he finished saying that, a mischievous glint returned to his eyes, letting out one last giggle before composing himself with a quick throat clearing, "Alright, alright, I promise; I am as serious as a heart attack!"

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now