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---- A few days later: Saturday 4:32 PM ----

As the week passed, El managed to have the confidence and courage to invite Jennifer out for the day; it was easy considering Jennifer eagerly accepted.

So now they were inside the roller rink, helping El on her first date with a girl; giving her points on how to 'woo' Jennifer.

The Party couldn't help but be more excited as the rink came to life with flashing lights and music. Will however, couldn't help but feel a little distracted despite being surrounded by his friends all happily gliding along the roller rink.

They had done a few laps as the brunette watched El drag Jennifer pass him, laughing and joking; going at an astronomical high speed. They seemed to be having a fantastic time together and it made Will feel a tad insecure. He couldn't help but glance at his own hand, seeing it sway by his side while Mike skated next to him; his insecurities heightened, worrying he may not be as fun to be around as El was, or that Mike might prefer being seen with someone else; was that why he wasn't holding his hand?

Just as his thoughts started to spiral, Mike nudged him with a bright smile. Startled, Will looked at him, his anxiety fading a bit as he saw the warmth in Mike's eyes.

"Hey, you okay? I don't want you to fly straight into a wall again." Mike asked with a slight giggle, able to tell at a mere glance that something was bothering his boyfriend.

Will nodded, not wanting to bring down the mood of the day; it wasn't his day; it was El's, "Yeah, of course. Just got... lost in thought for a second." he smiled, "I'm, um going to get something from the snack bar; do you want anything?"

Mike's face lit up from the offer, "Sure! That sounds great; I'll come with you."

"No, don't worry! You skate! I'll bring the food to our table," Will smiled with a forced grin, skating off before any protest could be made from Mike's mouth. The brunette went toward the snack bar, leaving Mike alone with little reassurance of Will being 'okay'. The brunette knew his mind was just playing tricks on him; of course Mike wanted to be with him; just because he didn't hold his hand didn't mean anything; it could be for multiple reasons...

He stood in line, unable to shake the overwhelming thought that whenever Mike used to be dating El he would constantly hold her hand, whispering in her ear silly jokes. He began to overthink, his mind spiralling with doubts and insecurities; what if Mike was ashamed of being seen with him? What if Mike really wished he was a girl like he said when he was drunk? Will tried his best not to think about that drunken slobber after Mike's apology but sometimes he wondered if it held some truth.

His mind spiralled until realising he was at the front of the line. With trembling hands, he took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. The day was supposed to be a fun outing with his friends; not for his own self-doubt and anxiety.

With a shallow breath he ordered, "Um, can I please have two cupcakes and a Seven-up please?" the brunette questioned, knowing Mike's favourite soda was Seven-up.

The employee behind the counter smiled, placing the items on the table, "Your total is $12.00."

Will took out his wallet carefully taking out a ten-dollar bill and two one-dollar bills, quickly passing the money over, thanking the worker before taking the items in his hands.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now