8- Cry Baby

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Mike's irritation simmered upon watching Will and Robin walk through the door, the smile on his face strained; he thought he clarified it was just the Party. It made his stomach churn. He didn't understand why Will was so excited to be with Robin when this was just supposed to be a movie night. Nevertheless, he allowed them in the house; he wanted Will here.

"Hey Mike!" the brunette said, his eyes sparkling, "I hope you don't mind I brought Robin... El suggested she come!"

"Yep!" The doe-eyed girl added, "They were just so cute together, I couldn't resist!" she jumped holding her boyfriend's hand.

"Yeah... cute." the ravenette mumbled, not even bothering to put much effort into his response. He could tell Will and El were excited and didn't want to rain on his friends' parade; his friendship with Will was fading in his eyes and he needed to not show the annoyance already filling the room. "Umm anyways, you girls can go down to the basement," he paused for a second, "Will can you help me in the kitchen?"

"Oh, umm, sure." the brunette took his hand off Robin's shoulder, "See you in a bit, El will take you down." he replied, turning his attention to his 'girlfriend'.

"Come back quickly 'babe'" Robin chuckled, following El's lead who was grinning ear to ear; excited to spend time with her brother's first girlfriend. El liked Robin, she thought she was cool and smart... she fit her brother perfectly; she was glad he was happy. He seemed a lot more happier recently.

In the kitchen, Mike decided to have a few minutes of privacy with his best friend. The tall boy couldn't contain his frustration and decided to confront Will about Robin: friend-to-friend. Leaning against the kitchen counter, Mike ran a hand through his hair, not knowing how to start his rant.

"Will..." Mike began, trying to keep his voice calm, "I thought it was just going to be us tonight; the Party. Why did you invite Robin?"

The small boy looked slightly taken aback, his eyes widening with surprise. "I... I didn't know it was going to be a big deal; El, Max and Suzie are here... why isn't Robin?"

Mike's annoyance deepened, but he tried to keep his tone reasonable, "But she isn't part of the Party; tonight was members only."

The small boy scrunched his face, his expression conflicted, "I get it, I really do. But she's important to me!" he said, he didn't mean that in any romantic light, he really meant it; Robin was important to him, and one of the only people who knew he was gay and didn't judge him for it.

"Great! Just great! She's special to you!" the tall boy sarcastically repeated.

"I don't understand why you're getting so worked up about it." the brunette furrowed is brows, honestly confused, "But if you didn't want her here you should have told me earlier!"

"I didn't think I had to! It's supposed to be obvious!" the ravenette replied.

"Obvious? Is that so? Well, it really wasn't!"

"I can't believe you ruined this night. You have one girlfriend and you've turned into a different person," Mike huffed, "You are so stupid Will."

Ouch, that hurt!

The small boy froze, the atmosphere hung heavy in the air; the hurt visible in his eyes. He hated being called 'stupid', it made him not feel adequate enough... now Mike thought that; did Mike think he wasn't good enough?

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now