25- I'm Not The Boy I Ought To Be

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"No." The brunette muttered, struggling to get the word to leave his throat, it was a simple word and yet it was one of the hardest things he ever had to say. He felt trapped in his own anxiety, torn between his affection for Mike and his concern that he wasn't enough; that he could never be what Mike really wanted... a girl.

In the silence that followed, the ravenette's once hopeful smile begun to fade; that... that was not what he was anticipating. He didn't think Will would say that; he anticipated the brunette would say yes! Will loved him and he loved Will. He couldn't help but feel a split in him, "What? W-why?"

Will looked up at him, still holding the box with the giant cookie in his hands, "Mike..." he said softly, his voice heavy, "I... I can't give you what you need; I don't want to just be something you put up with, if in the back of your mind, y-you want me to be someone else."

"That's not true Will, no way is that true." Mike's heart sank, but he was confused what brought this, "I love every part of you."

"Is that so?" Will said sadly with a disbelieving chuckle, "Mike... I just, I just don't think this is best for you." he said; he didn't believe he was good enough for the ravenette.

"What? No! You've got it all wrong! I want you! Just you." Mike tried to explain, reaching out to touch Will's arm gently,

But Will instinctively pulled back, his expression fearful yet stone-cold, "No, I can't do this." he trembled once more, standing from his seat, giving the cookie in its box back to Mike; not a single bite was taken from it. "I'm sorry." he mumbled, overwhelmed and insecure, running off in a random direction, leaving Mike all alone.

The ravenette sat there stuck to his spot, the large cookie in his hand, watching Will retreating from with a mix of disappointment and frustration. He didn't understand why Will reacted this way, especially when he was so sure Will loved him; he said it! With his own lips!

The heartbreak within him intensified as he looked down at the cookie; a burning reminder that he was rejected, rejected by the boy who meant so much to him. Quickly enough, he scrambled to his feet, making his way out the Mall, wanting to be alone for now; he would make an excuse to his friends later but now, he just wanted to go home.

Making his way pass the Food court to the front door of the Mall, he practically ran, one step at a time. None of his friends noticed him on his way out except Max who had coincidently been looking away in that moment, barely managing to catch his figure as he left. Something bad must have happened, she knew it.

"I'm getting a call." she lied to the Party who turned to her as she stood up from the table, "I'll be right back." she excused herself, quickly running toward the front entrance; not wanting to make a big deal if this was regarding who she thought.

She looked around, seeing Mike walking to the bus stop. Rushing up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, she spoke, "Mike, what's wrong?"

Suddenly, the redhead was caught off guard by an unexpected hug. Mike's embraced was filled with sadness and relief; he didn't know how much he needed this right now. Max, despite all their little hiccups, was always there for him, finding solace in her presence.

But quickly, Max hugged back, offering a comforting presence. They stood there for a moment as people passed by, barely casting a second glance. The redhead knew something must have happened to her friend; in the two years she had known him, the most physical contact they had were playful punches to the arm... but she wanted to be there for him.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now