9- Just Apologise

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The group watched as the brunette stomped up the stairs; Mike couldn't lose his friend, not his best friend; he kept doing this. This was the third time today he had upset Will; instead of making their bond closer, he just pushing him further and further into Robin's arms.

He had never seen Will that angry... and it was because of him.

He really pushed his buttons; the ravenette wished he could reverse time; maybe he could say the right things. A heavy cloud of guilt settled over Mike, feeling the weight of his anger and the hurtful words he threw. Will's departure left a void in the room and... in him.

The other members didn't hold back, immediately turning to him, giving a stern lecture of his behaviour. El was bubbling with anger for her brother, being the first to speak despite being one to be reserved and hate confrontation, "What the Hell was that Mike? You can't treat Will like that! What, you think you're a bigshot now?" she jeered with a stern expression,

Lucas's disappointment was evident, adding, "Yeah man, what's gotten into you? You've been acting so possessive and angry lately!"

Max nodded in agreement, shuffling in her beanbag chair, "You can't talk to Will like that. He's your best friend! You need to apologise!"

But instead of taking responsibility for his actions, he was fuelled by guilt and frustration, deflecting the blame onto another, muttering, "It's Robin's fault! She's the one who started this whole mess!"

His friends weren't having it, Dustin and Suzie exchanged a glanced with one another, not believing what they just heard, "Come on, man, don't put this on her. You're the one who drew first blood; you snapped at them first." the curly haired boy spoke.

"But they were whispering." the tall boy argued.

"Everyone was whispering Mike, no one but you likes this movie..." Suzie grumbled, yet her tone was soft as she explained the error in his ways.

"Seriously!" Max eagerly added, high-fiving Suzie, "I don't know what the exact problem is, but you act like a completely different person when Will is with Robin; all of a sudden you're a child again!"

El's expression remained stoic, her voice stern yet soft, "You need to apologise to both Will and Robin." she said, leaving no room for negotiation; he furrowed brows enough to scare the toughest of people.

Mike couldn't help but feel frustration build up within. He knew they were right, but he would never admit it. With anger, he snapped at his friends just like he did to Will moments earlier. "I know, okay? I messed up! Can we just drop it already?"

The room fell into an uneasy silence, it was clear Mike was remorseful but his way of showing it flawed. The ravenette knew he wasn't just struggling with anger- it was something more; he was wrestling with his own demons and insecurities. He hated seeing Will with Robin; shouldn't he be happy? That was his best friend! His best friend's first girlfriend; he didn't hate Suzie and Max when they first met. He immediately clicked with Suzie and only slightly disliked Max because of her overly competitive personality. But Robin made him enraged...

What was wrong with him?


Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now