21- My Old Will

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---- A few days later; Friday 5:33 PM ----

A few days had passed since he came out to Jonathan, it was a Friday. The whole of Tuesday he was sweating, worrying of his brother's change of reaction, because sure, the initial reaction was good, but what if Jonathan changed his mind once Will was out of sight, or perhaps he only comforted Will because he was in such a state. Yet, from what he'd seen, his brother had done nothing of the sort, instead treating him how he always was treated; they haven't really brought it up since; not because Jonathan was disgusted or anything, but because Will was shy; he didn't know why. It was just never his thing to talk about relationships with his brother, the whole concept felt... odd.

Yet right now, Will was in the Mall, trying his best to avoid Mike at any cost; it was weird, last week it was Mike avoiding Will and this week it was the other way around.

It wasn't that the brunette was angry at Mike or completely avoiding him; Will would still talk and engage the ravenette in conversation and be around him but avoid any situation where the pair might be alone. It's been harder these days considering Mike is adamant on them spending quality 'best friend time' together, goofing off like the old days. And though, maybe last week, he would have loved that idea, after all those kisses, he couldn't concentrate; that's all he could think about when he looked into Mikes eyes.

He remembered the kisses, the soft touches and gentle words the ravenette had used on him, but the drunken words Mike had said, wishing he was a girl overpowered them. The brunette promised he would talk to Mike about them, but he never found the right time when Will was confident enough, he just couldn't disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the Party, and Will was always one to avoid confrontation, so that's why he made excuses. During school he would camp out in Mr Hauser's English classroom, and after school he would tell Mike that he was hanging out with Robin; it wasn't a complete lie, sometimes he would go to Scoops Ahoy after school, while other times, he would just go home and draw.

Yesterday, the brunette was required to go to D&D night, or it would arise a lot of suspicion. Mike sat beside him the whole time, pulling Will's chair close to him so he can whisper strategies to the small boy and each time Will moved away, Mike would grab the brunette's chair palling him close to him; it made Will's heart flutter. Holy Baloney! He couldn't deal with it. The whole time his heartbeat increased as his eyes kept lingering to Mike's lips withing for another... he still hadn't brought up the kisses; what if Mike hates him afterwards?

So, to avoid his own feelings today, he decided to go to Scoops Ahoy; Mike had just pestered him earlier about spending the day together so Will made an excuse saying he was 'sick'.

Will rushed into Scoops Ahoy, breathless and a little frantic. He scanned the ice-cream parlour and its whereabouts; it was fairly empty with only a few children littering the booths; his eyes fell on Steve who diligently wiped a table. In a hushed voice he tiptoed over to the funky boy, whispering conspiratorially, "Is Mike here?"

Steve, who was busy wiping down the counter, shook his head in response. Running a hand through his hair as he stood tall once again, widening his eyes as he spoke, "He's not been here! What's up?"

Will let out a deep sigh of relief, the tension in his shoulders visibly melting away, replying, "Mike's been... well, overly attached recently. And after all those kisses, I need a break; do you think I can hide out here or a bit?"

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now