27- Midnight Snack

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---- 2:40 AM ----

In the stillness of the nights, the ravenette lied awake; hours passed since they last spoke, his thoughts consumed by a whirlwind of emotions and memories. He couldn't help but replay the moment in his mind. Will's dejected 'goodnight' echoed through him, leaving a persistent ache inside him.

His eyes were wide open staring at the door, the room dark merely illuminated by the soft glow of the moon shining through the curtains. He remembered the moment he poured his heart out to Will, confessing his feelings and longing. It was terrifying yet liberating; it just... felt right. For a brief moment it seemed like the brunette was going to reciprocate; he knew Will loved him back, and yet, the rejection left him crashing down, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

What stung more was the fact that Will did love him back, so it must have been something that Mike had done... but he just didn't know what. Did Will think Mike was lying? He was being the most honest he had ever been in that instance.

He blinked his eyes, a tad thirsty, feeling unable to sleep, grappling with the myriad of emotions. Jealousy and anger filled his being at the thought of Will and Robin dating, a longing for the connection he once had with Will; it was overwhelming. He thought if he confessed his emotions this whole situation would be resolved, but it seemed as if everything got more complicated.

He replayed the moment in his head; he handled everything so poorly before this moment; he even turned to drinking because he was so confused with his own emotions for Will; it was unbearable, but he made a promise; he would never drink again... at least not until he was of legal age.

The rain had died out outside, the water occasionally hitting the window like a thousand tiny hands begging to be let in. And yet, he could hear another sound; it was muffled but it wasn't coming from outside, it was coming from behind him. He listened, hearing soft whimpering, realising that it was Will. Immediately, he turned over concerned,

Sitting up, Mike placed a hand on Will's shoulder with concern evident on his face, "Will, what's wrong?" he whispered panicked.

At first, the brunette tried to stifle his sounds by biting his own hand, attempting to conceal his emotions and perhaps even pretend to be asleep.

But Mike could sense the turmoil in the brunette's uneven breaths, the deep anguish that lied beneath the surface. He didn't give up, instead asking again, "Will... what's wrong?" this time his voice less panicked and softer, gently encouraging his friend to open.

Finally, the brunette broke down, his voice trembling as he immediately flipped around to face Mike, clinging to him tight, seeking comfort in the familiar warmth of his best friend. Mike felt the air being knocked out of him but didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Will,

The floodgates of the brunette's pent-up emotions burst open, his voice trembling as he spoke, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he apologised repeatedly, his words coming out in choked sobs, "I'm sorry for being such a bad friend. You did so much for me, and I hate myself for rejecting you. I wish I could be what you want."

Tears streamed down his face, his breathing uneven as he continued, "I thought I was doing the right thing, but I hurt you. I wanted to push you away because I was scared. You mean everything to me, and I pushed you away." he wailed.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now