23- Theatrics

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As the ravenette hit send, he felt a wave of anxiety spiking over him, not knowing what response he would get from Max; would she be angry? Confused? Happy? Down-right pessimistic? Would she judge him?

In frustration, he replayed the confession over and over again, wondering if he had made a fatal error by telling Max via text; isn't that like top tip on what not to do? Don't tell people who you like over text as they can screenshot and use it against you. Why did he tell her? Well, he couldn't back down now!

In a panic, he threw his phone on the bed; reaching an anxiety peak as he waited for Max's reply. The redhead was notoriously slow when it came to texts, and the seconds felt like hours as he awaited the ping of the notification; he knew he would probably get a response tomorrow...

Could he even wait that long before he exploded with anxiety?

But then, to his surprise, his phone rung vigorously. The ravenette jumped in shock, leaping over to grab his phone, seeing a FaceTime call from Max. Hastily picking it up, he answered, his heart racing. Max's face appeared on the screen, moving her phone away to show her sitting on the bed, cross-legged in her pyjamas, a towel covering her red hair; obvious she had recently come out the shower.

"What do you mean you love Will?" Max said the moment the phone connected, skipping all formalities. "I come out the shower and I am jumpscared by that text!"

Mike blinked in surprise, caught off guard by her urgency. He stammered for a moment, trying to find the right words, "Well... it's like, I just- I've just been thinking about him a lot, and I realised I might... love him... romantically." he blushed slightly; he said his feelings out loud; he meant it.

Max's eyes widened in understanding, "Okay... so you're in love; was there anything specific that made you realise it?" she questioned, wanting to get all the details.

"I... I don't know. I guess ever since he was dating Robin; I just felt so different and angry." Mike explained.

"Yeah... we could tell," She rolled her eyes playfully,

Mike stared at her with a grimace, "And then there was the dare kiss and I just... you know how I didn't come school on Monday?" he changed mid-sentence.

"Yeah, Will said you were sick." Max replied, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"I wasn't sick... I was hungover." he whispered, ready to be scolded.

"You stupid ass bitch!" She exclaimed with a shocked expression, "You got drunk? Mike! How could you do that? That's illegal and stupid!" She reprimanded. Max had a big stance on drinking, seeing how it made her stepbrother turn out; she vowed never to take a sip of alcohol and especially never at such a young age.

"I know, I know, it was stupid! I was just confused, everything just reminded me of him and I... needed a break." he said, running a hand through his hair.

"Fine. Just... don't do it again!" The redhead sighed, dispute written on her face, before continuing, "... Anyways, what were you saying about being drunk."

"Oh yeah!" The ravenette exclaimed, getting back to his point, "I apparently kissed him... like multiple times."

Max's eyes widened, visible on the phone screen as she shuffled in her seat, "And? And?" she asked curious.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now