14- Mug Cake

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In the Scoops Ahoy, Will sat in the same seat he did yesterday on the high chair by the counter while Robin leaned on the wall behind her, crossing her arms as she waited for the next customer to arrive, dressed in her iconic sailor uniform. Despite the quiet shop, the pair kept their voices low, ensuring no secrets could be heard.

"So, I got your texts yesterday," The blue-eyed girl began, "But they were incomprehensible; what do you mean he locked you in the bathroom?" she scowled, "Explain everything to me; from the start!"

"Okay! So basically, after I left here, I went to his house..." Will started his story, his voice filled with conspiracy yet suddenly feeling a bit tongue-tied as Steve emerged from the breakroom,

The funky boy leaned in interested, genuinely intrigued with the story; his Scoops Ahoy uniform matching Robin's, "Yeah, spill the beans, Byers; what's got you all worked up?"

The small boy stammered for a moment, his gaze flickering between the older teens, "I, uh, well, Mike... he, um, opened the door and he said some stuff!" unable to find the right words as the blush on his face deepened.

Robin raised an eyebrow, picking up on the brunette's nervousness, "You're turning as red as a strawberry sundae, what exactly did he say?"

Will took a deep breath, regaining composure, trying to forget Steve was in the room so he could continue without embarrassing himself, "He just started sprouting nonsense. Saying how he wanted me to leave, and he didn't want anyone to know I was there,"

Steve raised is brows, sharing a surprised glance with Robin, "Woah, he really said that?"

Will nodded, "He said he wanted privacy to explain... and then he locked me in the bathroom and stole my phone!"

Robin nodded her head, wanting to get to the end of the story, unfazed as she had already heard this yesterday over text. Steve however, asked concerned, "He... locked you in the bathroom? That's a bit extreme!"

"Yeah, it's crazy!" Will sighed, "And then he claimed to be throwing me a surprise party tomorrow!"

"But why did he lock you in the bathroom? That's still what I want to know." Robin chimed in,

Steve was calm and collected, patting the brunette on the back, "Will, Buddy, I hope Mike has something big planned for you to make up for all of this,"

Will grinning bright, answered, "Yeah- yeah, me two. You can come if you want." He explained pointing at him, "I mean Robin has to already come because we are 'dating'."

"I wouldn't mind coming, if it's okay with your friends." The funky boy claimed.

"Yeah- yeah, of course you're welcome." Will's blush deepened as he stammered, "Robin?"

The blue-eyed girl chimed in with a hint of hesitation, "Actually, I'd rather not come. I don't think Mike likes me very much and... wouldn't wanna ruin your party, you know?" she said scratching the back of her neck.

"You sure?" Will furrowed his brows.

"Yeah, I'll just make an excuse if that's fine with you." Robin claimed.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now