29- Bus Stop

398 13 237


---- 1:20 PM ----

Will couldn't contain his nervous energy as he paced around the house, doing anything he could to keep his mind at ease; he cleaned his entire room and the living room. He put away his clothes and dusted anywhere he could; Why? Because if he didn't, he would actually turn into a molten pile of goo.

His thoughts crowded with the upcoming date with Mike; he looked at his watch, ten minutes! How could he deal with this anticipation for ten more minutes? He bit his nails out in a nervous habit; his mother always told him not to do that but right now he didn't care, it was the only thing distracting him.

His phone buzzed in his pocket causing him to jump, alerting him to a text. Taking his phone out, he saw Robin's name pop up on screen. The brunette's palms were sweaty as he unlocked the phone, replying to the text; she was the first person Will told about the date, and Robin took it as her civil duty to give dating advice, curtesy of Steve.



Don't stress,

It's gonna be fine.

I'm literally freaking out

What if I mess up?


Its literally not that deep

Just breathe

That's easy for you to say

You're not the one going on a date with Mike

Nor do I wish to be on a date with Mike


Oh come on,

You're so cute,

Getting all flustered over a date



Its gonna be fine

You could stab him and Mike would apologise for bleeding on you

I'm not stabbing him.

Ur no fun 😔

We've been over this.


In that moment the doorbell rung, and the brunette understood what that meant: Mike was here. Quickly, he cut the conversation short, saying goodbye to Robin as she wished him luck.

Will's anxiety went through the roof; his heart leaping into his throat. He could hear his own heartbeat pounding, chiming with each thud. Sweat trickled down his forehead, forming on his brow as he wiped it with the back of his hand. Will quickly placed his phone in his back pocket.

He walked over to the door, taking a deep breath as his hands trembled while touching the doorknob, and the thought of facing him in his current state made his stomach churn.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now