32- Bike Lock

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---- 7:34 AM ----

As the morning of the next day dawned upon them, the brunette couldn't believe the events that had taken place yesterday. If he wasn't given the bandage on his head, he probably wouldn't believe it; it all felt like a dream: an amazing, wonderful dream,

But he sighed, placing his shoes on his feet, today was Monday and they had school. After all that, Will still had to go to school; he wished it was the holidays so he and Mike could spend some time together: alone. Or maybe that was too much, after all they only just had their first date.

He couldn't wait to tell the Party, he froze... Mike wanted to keep this all a secret; it made sense. They mutually came to an agreement to keep this dating thing a secret for a while from the general public, but Will wasn't a hundred percent sure if that counted their friends though...

Tying the last lace of his shoe, he waited for his sister to finish getting her stuff ready; he didn't assume Mike would come over this morning. Will guessed he had to wait till school to see his first boyfriend.

He passed a clumsy smile as he recalled yesterday's events, he had face called Robin and Steve yesterday, giving them all the juicy details of what happened; they seemed to enjoy listening, finding it comical and humorous; stating it was like an overly dramatic soap opera.

"Will! Let's go!" El burst into the living room, ready to leave as she checked the clock on the wall, "I promised Jenn I'd be there early!"

"So dramatic!" The brunette mocked, "You're the one who was getting ready!

"Some of us need to look presentable!" she said with a hint of a smirk,

The brunette rolled his eyes as he stood from his spot, grabbing his windbreaker and walking toward the front door, "Yeah, yeah, early bird gets the worm or something like that."

El grinned jogging over, "Something like that." she agreed, ruffling his hair slightly,

As the pair emerged from the house ready for an early day of school, they stepped onto the front porch spotting Mike standing there; busy fiddling with... something.

Only after taking a step closer did Will realise that Mike was tampering with HIS bike, "Mike!" Will called out with a puzzled expression on his face, "What are you doing to my bike?"

The ravenette's eyes widened, not expecting the pair to come out the house this early, turning around with a nervously guilty grin spreading across his face. "Hey Will, hey El." he said, addressing the pair,

El simply waved back with a furrowed brow, even she was confused what Mike was doing to Will's bike, crossing her arms as she listened into the conversation,

"Don't 'hi' me!" The brunette said, "What are you doing to my bike?"

"Oh, um, I was hoping we could bike together to school." Mike replied.

"Oh okay... let me just grab my bike then..." he said initially puzzled by the ravenette's odd demeanour but didn't question it any longer.

He pushed Mike gently to one side to see his bike; at first glance, nothing seemed amiss; the same yellow colour, the same handle breaks and stickers but... that's when the brunette noticed something peculiar. There was a bike lock clamped to his bicycle, and it certainly wasn't his; he never locked his bike when he got home, merely throwing it on the porch. He furrowed his brows, knowing the culprit; slowly turning his head to face him, "Mike... did you lock my bike?"

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now