20- Drunk Talk

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---- Next day 12:54 PM ----

The ravenette's consciousness slowly returned, finding himself in a rather unfamiliar setting. His eyes were groggy as the throbbing headache and the queasiness in his stomach were indicators that something must have happened. He tried to piece it all together; the memories of last night blurring together in a gigantic mess; he couldn't tell what was real and not. He remembered finding his dad's alcohol and downing the whole bottle but... after that was a blur.

With a grown, he opened his eyes slightly squinting against the intrusive sunlight that peaked through the gaps of the curtains. As his vision adjusted and his eyes landed on the nightstand, he spotted a glass of water and some painkillers. There was a note attached, his heart skipping a beat as he recognised Will's handwriting. The note was short and sweet, just like Will. It read:

Hey, you were pretty out of it last night. Take these, they should help with the hangover. The front door is locked so if you want to leave, use the window in my room. Feel better soon.


Mike couldn't help but smile as he reread the note; If only he could remember what happened last night, hopefully it wasn't anything embarrassing. He scrunched his eyes, what was going on? He couldn't remember a thing.

His memory was absolutely blank when it came to it; he didn't know how he got into Will's bedroom, but he was glad he was here; out of all people he was glad he went to Will. The panic he felt subsided at the realisation that if he did something bad, then Will wouldn't be caring for him, right?

Grabbing the pills from the nightstand, he took a sip from the water glass, downing the pills without a second thought. The room was quiet, save for the faint rustling of the curtains in the afternoon sun.

As he took a sip of water allowing the painkillers to work, Mike shuffled to a seating position, his throbbing head was dulled by the painkillers, allowing his gaze to wander around the brunette's room; it was an intimate space, filled with ordinary decorations of a teenager's life. Posters of bands and movies adorned the walls, and a bookshelf stood tall, filled with both books and figurines alike.

His eyes fell on a familiar sight- a poster of Will's favourite band, The Clash; well, it used to be; he didn't know anymore. Just like how his favourite song used to be 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go?' but now it was 'Boys Don't Cry.' apparently. It was like he didn't even really know Will anymore.

Mike got up, exploring the room, noticing the well-worn board games in the open closet, the evidence of countless evenings spent playing with Will. A collection of drawings were pinned to the corkboard, a testament to Will's artistic talents.

He couldn't help but feel a strange comfort just being in this room all alone; he couldn't remember the last time he and Will hung out; just the two of them doing nothing in particular. Being in this room brought back memories,

His thoughts, however, couldn't help but drift toward what Will might be doing at school. He imagined Will sitting in class, his brow furrowed in concentration as he processed the book they were reading in English. Mike knew the brunette loved English and it was his favourite subject, except for art of course.

But then he realised it was lunchtime, so Will would probably be chatting with Robin during lunch, sharing a laugh or even some inside joke that Mike wasn't in on. He wanted to be in on the joke; he wanted to be the person closest to Will; he missed him.

Don't Be A Dingus; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now