Chapter 1

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"Wake up Laira!!!", Yelled her alarm a clock. A.K.A her bird Jinx, "wake up time to get up!!",Yelled Jinx.

"I'm up I'm up",I tell the bird. I stand and walk over to Jinx, then feed her. "Good morning bad luck",I say to Jinx.

"Your welcome", churped Jinx. And started to eat. I walk over to the calendar and look what day it was, it was the day for the HunterXHunter exam. I jump up and down in excitement. I went to take a quick shower, and put on my clothes an shoes. Running to the nearby cemetery. I walk over and stand over my brother grave. Marked as.
The Last Ace In The Whole.

I will make the HunterXHunter exam and pass with flying colors! I swear I will avenage you Sam.

I kissed his stone and ran to the dock and waited for the ship.

The ship finely picked me up. On board I saw a lot of guys  that looked like they were from the ruff parts of towns a lot like thiefs, robbers, and bad people. Except three others, one is a younger boy a year or two than I. And one about my age and some old looking guy, looks like a perve. I sit and wait... That got boring so I get out my music and walk around.

"I smell a storm", I whispered. At the same time the young boy said it. We both looked at each and smiled.

"I'm Gon", he said.

"Hi I'm Laira", I smiled. "It's nice to know there is a living soul on this ship", I laughed and he did to.

"I really think this is going to get bad",I said.

He nodded and said ,"I do to".

"So it looks like just a few will make it this year", I grinned. Gon nodded, "yup".

After awhile of talking to Gon I went to the ship's captain. "Sir?",I asked.

"Yes, miss?",he answered.
"I smell a storm coming and I just came up here to prewarn you and your crew", I said.

"Thank you little miss but I think we'll be fine, not a cloud in the sky", he said.

"You'll see", I smilled and walked away waving. After awhile of walking around I saw Gon so I started walking up to Gon.

"The captain didn't believe me...",I pouted. Gon looked sad at the Capitan.

"He'll find out soon enough", he grinned. We both smiled.

"Great minds think alike", I said.
"Yup",he chuckling. We went  inside because the storm was almost here.

Capitans pov

"Well I'll be,the little miss was right!",the captain cursed. "MEN mount the port bow!".
Men ran all over the place. Like thier butts were on fire!!
The captain went to check the contestants to see who was weeded out.

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