chapter 13

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* Hisoka's pov *
Hmm my new toy, so innocent but in reality she's not anymore her pass comes back to hurt her in ways I can't imagine..

I sit up an grab a deck on cards and start buliding my building. After I'm about done builting it.
It gets knocked over by Lairas foot. Damn it Laira!!!

*sobs* I look over at Laira. Cr-ting?In her sleep....

What an interesting toy...
I lean up to her an kissed her tears. As soon as I get up off the bed Lairas nen is spiking. The windows shattered. I smirk at the power , I had to grab my shoulder from killing her right were she is..

* Laira's pov *

As I watched my brother murdered in front of me...
NOOOO I scream with tears falling. As the man turned to me with a grin. I fell every possible ability kick in full throttle force.

* slap* I shoot up real fast to be face to face with Hisoka. I felt my power level slow to just a light nen. I grabbed my cheak as it stung. I winched at the pain. I look up to Hisoka stareing at me.
I look down ashamed of my actions.

I'm so-. I was slapped a second time.

I shot a painful look at Hisoka.
I got up an went to the bathroom locking the door this time. I looked in the minor to she my other side looking at me...
I'm this scarey to Hisoka to slap me??

I felt tears fall down my face as pain fell in my heart. I sat on the floor an pulled my knees to my cheast. An cryed silently, why me!?!

I stood up an got in the shower letting the warm water run down my body I looked at my bruises an clean them away. I got out an dryed off. Put on a red t-shirt and blue jean shorts. I brushed my hair. I went to grab the nob an took a deep breath an opened the door.

Hisoka wasn't in the room. Thank goodness!!

I put my black arm boots on. An walked out.

The Last challenge and I will be a Hunter an leave all this love behind.

I walk a little before I put my music in. I felt a presence behind me I turn to see Killua.

Morning Laira, he said half awake.

Good morning to you to, I smiled.

I'm going to get some breakfast want to go with me?, I asked.

Suurre, he said sleeply.. And fell to the ground sleeping. I giggled at how cute he was! Well I can't just leave him here...

I put him on my back and carried him to the cafe in the air ship. I put him in a chair an went to get drinks an food.

I came back to see Gon talking to Killua.

Well we'll sleeping beauty finally awake, I joked as I set his coffee down an food.

I never seen a kid eat so fast before. I sat thier quietly eating as I look over to see Hisoka sitting with Illum at a table not far away.

I looked away before anyone saw me look over thier.

How is this going to work now?..

What's going to happen next will Hisoka an Laira be able to love again? Or no more?.
Please comment if Thier is any questions. love u guys

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