chapter 5

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I'm running on my own I noticed Hisoka standing in the middle of a circle with weapons aimed at him. I stopped to watch I felt Kurapika an Leo's presence.
In a second the men ran at Hisoka. He lefted his card it a circle they all dropped dead.

I was shocked but pleased.
One of the men tryed crawling away crying for help.

Then a mini flashback happened.
All I heard was screams in my head. I crawled into a ball covering my ears. The scearms wouldn't go away.....

Mean while Hisoka notices Kurapika an Leo's presence.
They were scared I could feel them both shaking...

They ran in different directions.
But oh no Leo had to come back with a stick.

Tryed to swing at Hisoka, while the clown is amused by the swings by Leo.

Hisoka easyly hit, an knocked Leo out.

I could feel the blood lust growing.

Then all silenced.......wack!....
I was finally able to stand to see it was Gon's fishing pole that hit him in the face.

Once again Hisokas blood lust spiked.

Let's play a game, he said smirking.

I'm going to judge if your going to make a true hunter, he grinned evily.

I have to save Gon, I said in my head....

Gon looked at Leo an then back at the clown.

*** Gon pov***

I'm so scared right now!
I'm about to literally piss my self!
But I'm excited also.... So weird I never felt like this before...

Hisoka made his first move towards me. I jumped back. Then he was behind me. I turn back around to hit him.
I tryed to hit him but he keeps jumping around an appearing were I can't get him.!
Damn it all!!!
I made a deverion. But that back fired on me.

He's chocking me!!
I'm going to die!!
I can't see anything anymore...

Then I fell to the ground to see Laira standing in front of me.


Are you ok?!, she asked not look at me.

I'm fine, I say back.

The clown smirked an smiled.

You passed.!!,he grinned.

*** Laira pov***

We passed? I whispered. I'm so lost right now!

He kneelt to Leo an picked him up.

I'll see you guys at the exam, he waved.

Kurapika joined our group not a moment later.

I walked in silence.
While Gon an Kurapika was talking.

How did you know were I was?, Gon asked me.

I looked at him. I just did an I felt blood lust , I answered.

Kurapika glared at me.
I glanced back at him.

I put my ear bubs in an turned it all the way up.

*** 30 minutes later***

We ever the last to arrive but on time. I looked at easyly found Hisoka pointing where Leo was.

Gon an Kurapika run up to him just in time to see him wake up.

Did I win?, he asked slowly.

I laughed I couldn't stop. I covered my mouth an walked away.

I guess that was a no?, Leo asked.

Kurapika nodded.
Damn it!!! Leo yelled.
I let them to themselves.

I leaned against the wall. An closed my eyes.

I felt something warm.... I open my eyes to see Hisoka inchs away from my face.

I glarde at him
Don't scare me like that as I stood up fully.

I can't help it that your beautiful, he grinned.

I stood Thier looking into his eyes.

Then I heard a voice announced the next exam.

Cooking exam.!!

I grinned.

Why so happy, he asked.

No reason I grinned bigger.

He pecked my on my cheak an I froze.

Don't look to cute on me now, he grinned.

I blushed an went over to Gon an them.

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