Chapter 23

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" Ready to go"~, Hisoka asked as he slipped his hand to my waist.

"Yup", I said closeing the door.
We took the stairs instead of the elevator because it was slow as Christmas and hot.

" Want to race me"~, Hisoka whispered evily in my ear.
I walked a little more just to tease him. Then I took off an jumped down two flights of steps.

Hisoka was behide me the whole time, looking happy as he had a challeng to face now. " Haveing fun are we", I laughed in joy.

Hisoka and I were side by side raceing down these steps to see who was faster. I activated nen to make myself faster so did Hisoka. We were about to jump out the door till something made us stop.

A powerful nen was behide the door. Hisoka cocked his head in a serious way... I just walked up to the door slow with Hisoka with his cards out incase of a attack.

I opened the door an the nen dissolved into nothing, like it wasn't even thier. I looked both ways an saw a shadow near the entrance of the fighting arena.

" do you see it?", I whispered. Instead of answering me he walked towards it. I hung back behind Hisoka making him my shield.

" hello long time no see "~, Hisoka said, as if he knew it.

The shadow slowly turned into Jay. I glared at him as death was faceing me.

" hello are you fighting here to?", Jay asked looking around I guess me.

" not just me her too"~, Hisoka said with a grin. He turned to me showing that I was behind him.

" ohh... Perfect timing we could possibly fight here, but it's not fun when you can't kill your prey", Jay said with joy of the thought of killing.

Hes bloodlust spiked in nen as he tryed to contain his lust for blood.

I smirked, I laughed at him, I never seen someone try so hard not to kill.

" having trouble there?", I grinned.

He's eyes opened slowly and moved his face up to stare at me.
With those I eyes I once feared, the past in those eyes are all taboo to the human race.

The things he had done to me, making me feel nothing but a toy to him.

I hate those eyes....

What will happen next
Lol I guess you'll have to find out

Love y'all

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