chapter 27

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"Good morning beautiful "~
Opening my eyes slowly I look up to golden eyes. So bright I think you could sell them for money. ;)

"Good morning", I said in a raspy voice. "How are you feeling?"~, Hisoka asked in a rather sexy voice.

" I'm fine ", I said as I was sitting up to face Hisoka.
I felt a wave of pain move out through my body.
"Ahhh!", I screamed in pain.
Hisoka quickly ran to my side and held me through it. I cryed all the most of the morning away.
" here take some of these"~, Hisoka said extending his hand that showed a blue pain pill.

I quickly took them out of his hand and popped them in and drank water.

"Ughh why would they do this to me..", I said on the edge of crying again.

" I don't know but once we see them again well kill them , ok?"~, Hisoka smiled evily.

" tag team match is coming up maybe then", I smirked.

I sat up off the bed and took my first step of pain. I slowly walked to the kitchen and made my self some breakfast.

" need any help? "~, Hisoka questioned. Grabbing some bacon from the fridge.

" sure also grab the juice ", I informed. He walked back over to the fridge and got the Orange juice.

I turned the stove on, and put the eggs on. Also on a different pan was cooking bacon.

"Mhm"~, Hisoka hummed. Putting his arms around my waistline. As I was cooking he watched me and to make sure I was doing it right.

After I was done cooking, Hisoka got the plates out and forks.

We made our plates and walked over to the couch and watched tv. Just trying to pass the time.

Tomorrow will be the day we get revenge. We were couch potatoes for the moment though.
Quick timing went by after we found an awesome tv show.
It's about midnight now .
I looked over to see Hisoka asleep sitting up. I went to my closet and got out a pillow and blanket.

I walked back into the living room and put the pillow on the left side of him and covered him up. I stood and admired my work.

I went to my room to sleep. To dream of winning. Blood lust filled the room and just drifting off to sleep.

____________________________________ srry I haven't updated lately.
School and all that fun shit.

Love y'all.

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