chapter 30

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" Let's go Laira and Hisoka!!!", Gon and Killua cheered.

I smiled and looked at them and waved. Hisoka waved and the whole arena almost jumped off into the stage.

I could have fail and laughed so hard but I couldn't let my guard down. Begin!!

Luster came at me with full force I barely moved to dodge it. And Hisoka got in front of me causeing me to run into him.
Jay came from behide and the next thing my body moved on its own. I jumped up with Hisoka and watched Jay and Luster hit each other. I laughed and landed my jump. I found it very fun watching Luster and Jay fight about there strategy. (Which sucked)

" you must be jokeing ", I grinned at them. They glared at me and Luster lost it and ran , forgetting Hisoka was there. And tryed to hit me. Which Hisoka drop kicked him. And made blood come out of his mouth.

I felt everyone's blood lust spike.
I stood over Luster and kicked him all the way over to Jay. They both stood back up and disappeared , I stood my back up to Hisoka and watched as Jay was on my side , Hisoka grabbed my hand and basically used me to hit Luster in the face and came back to hit Jay also.

I put my feet back down. And looked at Jay and Luster running slower than before. I guess team work is better than nun at all.

I ran at Jay with blood lust driving me into killing mode.
"Ready or not here I come", I whispered.

Hisoka stopped me in my tracks as the bodies never moved but they disspeared into nothing.
And two shadows moved in front of me really fast.

'Idiot'~, Hisoka whispered as the shadows got closer. I pushed Hisoka out of the side just in time to grab Jay and Lusters neck and throw them back into reality.

After I shoved them," grandmother lend me your power", I whispered. And my nen turned into wings not big but enough to speed it up. I kicked Jay down and moved onto Luster and kicked him upwards.

Hisoka ran and intactes his nen to Jay and Luster and slung them up and with a move of his finger he pointed down and the bodies hit the ground. I had looked at Gon and Killuas reaction. And they had a scared but amused look.

Everyone cheered and the amusing fight. And just as the crowd roared silence took place and the next thing I knew Hisoka landed face first and didn't move.

I moved and jumped up and saw shadows move to fast for my normal speed.

Grandmother lend me your wings and purity.

My wings grew and for some reason they were gold instead of sliver. I took a small step and it was like zero gravity for me.

I was able to see them move and reflex. I ran after them but I moved.

Zero gravity wings.

Srry I haven't updated lately.
School is takeing it's total on me.

Love y'all.

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