chapter 28

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Blood running, mama and papa laying motionless. Sam lifeless in pain all over his face. Blood red eyes, twilight moonlight. Death~

My eyes shot open really fast and I wake up to a dark room. I have a arm around my waist. I  turn my head a little to see Hisoka fast asleep. I turn my head back to look at the clock.

I move myself from Hisoka and head to the bathroom. I locked the door and took my shirt off to look at all my bruses that I hid from Hisoka. From that night with Luster and Jay...

I put my healing nen over my hand and ran it over my body.
Then I looked closer at my stomach and pushed on it and I felt something that wasn't supposed to be there...

I freaked out I put both hands on my stomach. And I felt a kick, than pain in my admin. I felt something coming. Blood spilled every where, and crys were heard as I looked at the baby.
How can this be possible...??
I shook in fear and picked the baby up. It's eyes opened to black wholes, AAAAHHHHHHHH.

then I woke up panting crying I ran to the bathroom and looked at my body. Then I put my hand on my stomach. Nothing...
I fell to the ground crying silently. Of this new nightmare that will haunt me forever.

5 hours later

" Laira wake up"!~ Hisoka shook me. I opened my eyes to me sleeping in the bathtub with pillows and a cover.
"What are you doing in here"?~
Hisoka cocked his head confused but amused.

The nightmare came back. As I looked away trying to hide my face.
"Nothing just felt like sleeping in the tub", I shrugged.

" well we have 30 minutes to get ready for our fight"~, he explained.

" ok I'll be ready in a minute", I said as he watched me walk out of the bathroom.

I grabbed my boots white-t and a black pear of shorts with multiple of colors on the tiets. 

I walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on. Stepped in when it was just right. I quickly washed my hair. As I rensed off I felt eyes on me. I slowly opened them to a naked Hisoka smirking at me.

I grinned little, " like what you see"?, I smirked.

He's eyes glasened and he nodded sexyly. In response I walked over an moved my hand over his abs. As he growled when I reached his little friend. I looked up at Hisoka as I slowly rubbed his little friend tenseing him.

" o-hh Laira don't tense me"~, Hisoka moaned. He planted a kiss on my lips as he picked me up and put my back against the wall. I moaned at how cold the wall was touching my bare skin.

He kissed on my neak quickly finding my sweet spot. He kissed my hungrily. He's little friend turned into a big friend and was now poking me.

" well someone is excited", I smirked. Causing  him to blush lightly. He slowly put himself in me , he didn't move till I nodded for him to. He pushed in me so deep that it was hitting my g-spot.

I moaned telling him he was in the right place. He moaned and growled.

" I'm.. I'm going to cum", I half moaned. As my nails were digging into his skin as he bite into my shoulder. As I released on to his length. He was still moving causeing my legs to buckle.

Hisoka went faster as I felt my stomach knot up again. Causeing a second release. Then shortly after he came to. He slowly pulled out of me. And set me down. He held me kissing my lips passionately.

After that
We finished up our shower. And got out.

Time for some pay back..
Hope it was good , school is really cutting into my writing time. So srry for that.

Love y'all

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