chapter 24

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"Why.Do you in joy pain?", I asked the akward Jay.

He stood thier with that death glare in his eyes, a cold hearted killer but I know better than that.
" I'm just going to be injoying the pleasure of your defeat in the arena", he smirked with lust in his eyes. His eyes changed from a brown to red. His eyes....are alike mine...

I felt my eyes automatically change from silver to blood red in defense. " How did.... you do that..", I asked keeping my fear hidden but it didn't work.

" I see the fear in your eyes Laira", he smirked. I shook in fear as he's words ran down my back.

" Look at your worthless self-" two cards flew pass Jay leaving a cut on  his face, and hitting the door behind Jay.

" how dare you make my toy shake in fear"~, Hisoka said walking toward Jay.

I could tell both were tense , none of them knew each other's abilities.

This needs to stop before blood is spilt....

I saw Hisoka make cards appear, Jay tensed up an made his whip appear.

They started to run... " STOP IT" , I yelled so loud that the building shook. The shake made Hisoka and Jay lose there balance.

I walked up and grabbed Hisoka by the rim of his shirt and drug him out of the room into the fighting waiting area.

I let go of Hisoka's shirt, he stood and dusted himself off.

" you made me dirty -_- "~, Hisoka winned. I looked at him and he looked at me.

" your eyes are still red "~, he said silenctly. I closed my eyes an tried to calm myself.

" Hisoka v.s Luster " please come to the stage for your fight", a lady with Orange hair.

I sat in the statem to watch the show. So many girls had ' I love you Hisoka' on the signs and they were waving it so fast you could see thier excitement. You could also feel strong nen pressure coming from the stage.

Then the lights demed.

Let the fight begin...

Sorry for the short chapters. School has started and all tht fun stuff...

Well hope you guys like it. Please comment your opinion, no judgement in it or drama!

Love y'all.

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