chapter 29

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We got ready fast. And walked out that door that held our insanity in check. Our blood lust peaked from our bodies as we walked down the hall to the arena.

"Laira and Hisoka to the stage"!!, the specker yelled out happily.

We walked in to the waiting place before the arena.
In our wait the door opened and I heard two other people walk in. I horror I moved my head slowly to my two nightmares.

Jay smirked at me then quickly looked at Hisoka holding me pretectivitly to him.

I felt the air in the room fill with blodd lust and anger.

I silently hummed a peaceful tune. " the silence was better before you made noise", Luster snired at me.

Hisoka started to hum the same tune as me as I smirked and lightly kissed Hisoka on the cheek.

I looked over to see Jays hurt of jealouse in his face. I guess he can't stand me loving someone and over coming what they did to me.

3..2..1.. I whispered
Contentions tag team match will begin now. Please make your way to the door.
Team 1 is Luster and Jay.
Team 2 is Hisoka and....
Laira?....... La-ir-a... Ok it's Laira.

Jay and Luster chuckled and Hisoka couldn't keep his face straight so he was wearing a grin.

Rolled my eyes at put on my game face.

The lights demmed as a worker moved Jay and Luster to the other side fast. The lights slowly started as the music got louder. The cheering and yell/screams.
Strob lights filled the stand of people.

Once again Hisoka posters and of Jay. Luster had a few. Then I saw it one poster and the one who was holding it was.. Gon and Killua. My eyes light up from the darkness of blood lust. To see them I missed them so much like little brothers to me. Family.. more like it. "Well it looks like I'll have to win this fight", I said. As Hisoka looked at me confused till he followed my stare.

He smirked and shrugged," I guess we can't afford to lose now"~

Let it begin...

Hey guys hope it's ok...?
Well anyways in joy.

Love yall.

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