chapter 38

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Who do I follow now..
(Warning sexual content.)

I slowly get up off the floor and rub my eyes and unlock the door to see an angry but patient face. I looked at him with no emotion just blood shot eyes. " you are to get dressed, I layed your clothes out on the bed ," he said and walked out the room. I walked to the bed and saw this black shirt with a long selve coat with black skinny jeans with some heeled boots.
That took me about 7 minutes getting dressed. The outfit hugged every bit of my body. I shrugged and walked to the bathroom and fixed my hair it was jet black with blood red eyes.

I need a change...
I thought as I grabbed the scissors and cut my long hair . It felt new and it felt good, I love it. Black bow hung around the back and my bangs in my eyes but I could still see.

The boss man walked in right as I walked out of the bathroom. He just started at me in awe for a moment then he returned to a soul less emotion. " you are not named Laira any more your name is Lopiece Aloè
and you are my mate and also a new member," he said in a calm tone.

Lopiece Aloè... Sounds ok...
I nodded and followed him out the door. He rapped his arm around my waist and we walked side by side till we walked around the corner to see Hisoka and that redheaded slut.( excuse me o.o)

I forget everything and walked with my new mate. When Hisokas eyes left the redhead to look ahead he nodded at the boss man then his eyes wondered to me. I felt like his eyes were burning through me. I looked at the boss and put on a fake smile. I felt his eyes On me till we were out of his sight.

As we walked out to every familiar face till he sat down, I stood next to him in a protective way but gave him space. I closed my eyes and felt all the different nen in the room. 1...2...3? New members?,I thought.

" umm boss? Who is that girl?", a girl with pink hair walked up to us.
" this is our new member Lopiece, so do treat her nicely", he answered. I open my eyes to have her staring straight at me. I bowed," nice to meet you".

She looked at me then smirked and walked away from us. Then just as I sat down next to the boss here comes redheaded bimbo and her clown. They rolled up to us as I looked down to find something to amuse me so I didn't have to look at them.
" boss when are we going on a mission?", the redhead said in a brave but sassy tone. I tryed hard not to laugh at the hate I had for her.

" well Scarlett I was planning it so your going to have to wait", he said annoyed.

She looked a little pissed off then she looked down " who is that ", she said discussed.
I stood up and looked at her in the eye" I'm Lopiece nice to meet you red", I said mockingly.

She looked took back and hate crossed her face" look gothic bitch are you trying to start something", she said with hate laced in her voice.

" I don't really give a damn *cough* slut *coughs* ", I said.

" alright bitch you and me out side now", she said as she started to walk, I looked down at the boss but he was consumed in a book so I followed the redhead.

It was raining with lighting and thunder. I put my hood on and walked out. Some of the members caught some of the action before and wanted to see the fight.

She made a whip with spikes appear in her hand and and tazer in the other.

" no bitch is going to get away without punishment", as she ran at me. She stircked at me I dodged it then as I dodged it she pointed the tazer at me and made the electric light come out and shocked me or was it me?

My cloan turned into dead flowers,and burnt ashes.
I didn't find this amusing she was so weak compared to me. I almost felt sorry.... Nah I felt hate.

I pulled out a small cief knife making sure no one knew who I was. I ran at top speed, she couldn't keep up I cut her clothes till only thin cuts of fabric was hiding her body parts.

I hung my head to side bored. " are you done yet this is boring", I said with boredom laced in my voice.

She literally looked like she was about to cry but held on.
She looked at Hisoka and ran to him and he embraced her.

She cryed her eyes out in his arms. The arms I was supposed to be in!
But no I could leave this all right now... I still have to find Gon and Killua to make care they were still alive.

I looked out into the night thinking about it. Til I felt a large sting in my left side it felt like someone had stabbed me. I looked at my side to see the red head had stabbed me. I held my side and punched her threw the building. After she was knocked unconscious I pulled out the knife. And held my side and breathed in the freash feel of rain. I turned to where I had punched her and saw Hisoka pick her up and walked back to the building then stopped and looked at me with hate. The look I never wanted to see again. I looked away and started to walk away from all of this then it was the boss standing in front of me.
" where are you going?", he said as he pulled me to the ground and kicked me.

I played there not wanting to get up. But he forced me up and made me walk back inside the building. Whispers were heard and laughing. He took me back to the room and locked the door.

He pushed me on the bed and crawled on top of me. And just stared at me with lust and dissapointment.
" I was going to let you off for the night but I guess you need more punishment", he said with lust.
" I'll make you scream till you can no longer it will make it impossible for you to walk for days", he said as he bit my ear.

I pushed him over and now I was on top with lust. " don't care anymore nothing is going to hurt me pain is me", I said with timation.

I leaned down and kissed his lips and down his gaw, his hand roamed my body as I did the same. I slowly unbelted his pants and slipped it off I gropped his length and rubbed it in a teasing way. Till he got hard and you could see the spot threw his under wear.
I slipped his under wear off and took him in my mouth and began to bob my head as he ran his hand in my hair and made it go deeper. He groan as he came and made me swallow it all. He looked tired after that. So I just let him fall asleep as I walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

Warm water ran down my scars and my clan marks.
I felt at ease as I layed in the tub of water and relaxed till I hear the door open and he got in with me he layed behind me as I had my back on his chest.

I felt him creep his hands down til he was circling my area and slipped in a finger as the other groped my breast.

" you don't waste any time do you", I moaned.

He sucked on my neck and kissed my neck. As pleasure took over as he went faster til I came. I turned to him and passionately kissed him.
I rapped my legs around his waste as his Mr. Happy poked me down there. Til he found his way and slammed into me. Not waiting for me to adjust he went and went he did not stop as he made me cum. He was going till water went every where. He came but didn't stop there. He picked me up still in and moving in and out went to the bed and put my legs up and went deeper as I screamed. " you weren't joking when you side you make me scream", I moaned.
He smirked and turn me side ways an went faster he used nen and went at a ungodly speed. It was sun up by the time he stopped this. The bed was a mess we were a mess but me passed out in reach others arms.

One night stands...

Ok I need info like tell me is there to much 0_0 or need more.

So tell me and I'll change but I need info. So comment your ideas and options.

Love y'all

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