45 My other side..

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As the sky's turned gray, full of rain as lighting strikes the sky with its rage and powerful roar of thunder, as it grows darker as we run to Gon...

Where not going to make it...
As the I hear the heart beat become slower and slower till it all go's blank...

As we ran my heart broke in twos. Nothing I could feel as emotion left me...

We were to late for him as I look over at Killua as friends have come from all over the world to protect him to see him disappear from existents.

As we arrived at the building the growing fear of not knowing how Killua would react to it all....

Alluka sensed this from me as she felt the tears form as she looked at me as I saw the hurt she could see in me.

I smiled a weak smile as we raced into the room where Gon was.

I felt nothing as the faces of friends with stained faces and bags under there eyes.

Killua put Alluka down and walked over in hand with alluka. As his tears slid down his face as he looked at Alluka and she began to cry.

" I wish for him to live please alluka", Killua whispered. As alluka walked to Gons hand and picked it up it was dead skin and bone nothing but death came from him...

She held his hand as her face started to change as her murderous face was no longer scary it was a sad face instead of a grin.

" Ok", said alluka. As lights shot every where, as you could no longer see till the light disappeared and I opened my eyes to see alluka asleep and Killua with the happiest face on. As I saw a breathing Gon full of live and excitement as his presence came back like it was never gone.

As he groaned and opened his eyes like the first day he was born. As he looked around confused.

As Killua gave him a big hug as he cryed into the boys shirt. As Gon smiled like a big idiot.

As we laughed and cheered of Gons life. As I went to Alluka she layed there as I moved her hair out of her face as she woke up.

" big sister?", she said rubbing her eyes. As I smile and pick her up and hug her. " thank you so much Alluka-San", I smiled with joyful tears.

She hugged me back and smiled as I took her over to Gon as I smiled as they meet each other and go into a conversation.

I step out side to get some air as Killua follows me with alluka. As we sit in a couch with alluka and talked and smiled. Till we could sense something wrong as pins came flying at us as Killua picked alluka up and we dodged them.

" Oh darn I missed...", said a emotionless voice said.

" I told you I could have done it",~ said a amused voice. As there bodies came into the light.

It was Illum and Hisoka...

As they smirked and looked at us in amusement.

" all I want is Alluka and we will leave you and your friends alone", said Illum as he looked toward Alluka in Killuas hands.

I stepped closer in front of Killua.

" I will never give her up to the likes of you", I hissed at them.

" Oh? Really Laira do I need to get miko to make you give her up?",~ Hisoka spook in a amused tone.

" you wouldn't dare lay a finger on her ", I hissed.

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