Chapter 6

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*** Kurapika pov***

Why did Hisoka kiss Laira???
That creep touched her!!!
I know I don't know Laira that well.
But seriously!!
An she blushed!
She likes it??!!

Damn it all.....
And here I here I thought she liked me!Ah!

I'll win her back!

Here she comes back! ^°^

So Kurapika how good at cooking? She asked.

I jumped up an down on the inside.

I nodded.
She grinned.

Fire works started inside me.

Hope to see who's better. She smiled.

Challenge accepted, I shouck her hand.

*** Laira pov***

I think Kurapika has a crush on me or something.

He's face is tomato!! With blond on top!

I smiled.

The challenge sucked by the way!

We all lost!!

We were made to take another challenge. To jump down grab a spider egg an come back up.

Gon was the most helpful in this event.

We passed with flying colors!!

Me an Kurapika agreed on a tie..

The boss of Hunter exam let us stay on the ship to the next challenge.!!

But the problem was our room mates ._.

Gon an Killua
Leo an Kurapika
An others..

I was peared up with non other than Hisoka... Dear Lord help me now.

I walked in the room to see him resting on his side of the room.

He looked peaceful sleeping..
I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Man hot water feels so nice! I whisper.

I stopped my self..

I'm only here for one reason an that's to become a Hunter! I will avenge my family. I reminded my self.

I turn the water off and sit down in the tub of water to relax a little.

I hear the door open. I sighed

Who's Thier?, I yell infusion.
I wait no answer so..

I stand up an jump out of the shower.. To see the clown.

I glared at him.

He looked up an down at me.And smirked evily at me.

Shit!!, I mumble.

I forgot I wasn't wearing anything. Good thing my hair was blocking my stuff!

Get out!, I yell.

Why, he smirked.

I roll my eyes.
Well I guess thiers nothing to hide now..

I walk to him an push him out an close the door an lock it.

I turn to put my clothes on an I heard moans outside the door..

0_0 what the hell!!

I quickly put on a black shirt. An white shorts. I brush my hair. An braid it off to the side.

I walk out an the lights were off. The only light was the bathroom light.

I turn that light off an walked off to my bed.

I crawled into bed.

I heard nothing in the room.But
the annoying sound of nothing but your own heart.

I open my eyes a little .

I can see better now. I roll over to see Hisoka in my bed.!!
I get up an walked over the other bed.

I lay back down. Then I hear him get off the other bed an crawled toward me an cuddled to me.

0_0 I layed Thier very confused...
I finely look over at him. An he's starring right into my eyes. All I saw was lust in his eyes.

So I tryed to move to get up an he quickly put his hand on my waist a pulled me back. -_- I wasn't scared I was now annoyed.

What do you want, I finely say.

Nothing more than sleep with you, he said.

How old are you , I teased.

17 he answered slowly.

How about you?

26 I replied.

I felt him move a little.

Your lieing , he says.

I know I was lieing I was waiting for a reaction, truely I'm 16, I say.

I turn back to him faceing him. He pulled me closer to him.
Thier was no room between us anymore.

I feel something poking my leg.

My eyes went wide an back to normal.

I just relaxed an closed my eyes.

All I felt was was warmth. I didn't realize I had buried my head into his cheast.

I felt him moan alittle in pleasure.

I was never close to anyone this far.

I finally allowed myself to sleep after his heart rate slowed.

Goodnight, he said..

Goodnight....I fell asleep.

Hope you injoyed the little seen. Going to have to wait another day for any "serious" action. C; lol baii

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