Chapter 31

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What have I became..
I'm no more than the monsters that hunted me ~

" Are ready to give up?", I said towering over them. They breathlessly looked up and Luster stared up at my eyes. He's eyes turned a shade of black and was now unconscious.

I felt my eyes light up with my blood lust as Jay lowly got up.
He chuckled lowly and smiled an evil grin. " quit today and live or fight to just die now", I hissed venom.

He slowly fell to his knees. And just stared at me. Bing Bing
End of the first round.

I turned to see Hisoka still laying there in fear I quickly walked and looked at him to see what was wrong. Then I looked at his arm. "Snake bite?"

I took out my small needle sharp knife. And cut across the bite.
I put it away, and put my hands over his stomach and head. Healing flames of across the cross.

My flames ran through his body and burned off all the venom.
" so this is what he was grinning about?", I sobbed silently.

Hisoka grunted and slowly sat up. My flames slowly disapaited.
" well leaning so close to death was an experience I'll never for get",~ Hisoka chuckled. I put my arms around him and held onto to him and smiled and kissed him on the cheak.

In the distance I could hear aws and mad jealous girls. I got up and Hisoka slowly stood up.
announcing our winners
" Hisoka&Laira "

Announcing our losers
"Luster&Jay "

Thank you all for coming out to the fight. Please come back tomorrow for more extreme fighting.!

We walked up to the winning pot money. We won up to 10 mil in this fight. But we were happy that we were alive and pay back was served. I didn't feel tied down to anything besides Hisoka. He is something I never had I wasn't going to have him die on me.

We went back to the rooms I stayed in Hisokas room and looked after him as the affects of the flames and venom fought.

He groud in pain and suffering.
I pilled as many pillows as I could under his head. " I'm going to make some food", I said as I turned the tv on for Hisoka.

I spent about 10-15 minutes making the soup for Hisoka.
I walked back to see Hisoka posing on the bed in a sexy way as he watched tv.

" well aren't you feeling better", I grinned. He nodded and accepted
the soup and eat it fast.
I cuddled to him. We talked a little , kissed here and there. Feeling very turned on as I noticed Hisokas Mr. Happy get a little bigger every time I nibbled on his neck.

" you shouldn't tease me like that Laira",~ he growled sexyly.

I smirked as I sat on his lap leaned in for a kiss. It was love for sure. Passionate, safe, forever in love with the clown magician.

" ring ring"
Hisoka grunted as I sled off him and answered his phone.

Me:Yes how may i help you?
Person: Um.. can speak with Hisoka please?

I handed the phone to Hisoka.
Hisoka silently listened and said yes a couple of times. And looked at me than back at the wall.

"Yes goodbye sir",~ Hisoka hung up the phone.

" now where were we",~ he hovered over me. I smirked and played with his hair pulling it a bit. Making him grunt makeing me more turned on by him. Hisoka leaned down and kissed me passionately and smiled in very kiss from me.

I stopped makeing him whimper.
I push him back and rub his little bulge growing every time I touch it. " don't tease me"~ he moaned.
" tell me who was on the phone and I'll stop teaseing you so much", I smirked.

" it was the boss wanting to meet you"~ he moaned softly as I rubbed it lightly before stopping.

"Oh ok", I said as I slowly went to get off the bed. I was pulled back on the bed on my back as him held my hands above my head. " Oh where are you going you can't get away with teasing me and walking away, it's pay back time"~, Hisoka smirked as he kissed my lips and then my neck.

Trying to find my sweet spot. I moaned lightly when he ran over my skin with his kisses.
I felt a cold hand go up my shirt that made me moan. He unlached my bra with one hand and quickly discarding the shirt with it. I tried to hide my self but he pride my arms apart and smirked as he went to boobs.
He sucked them making me moan a bit louder every time.

I pulled off his shirt and ran my fingers across his abs. And made him shiver in pleasure.
" I love you Laira"~, as he leaned down and kissed down my stomach and sliding my shorts off.

He rubbed my thighs making me shiver in pleasure. He lightly brushed my area making me moan.

He smirked as he slide my panties off and his pants. He interned an finger then another.
I moaned lightly as he put another in. I saw his Mr. Happy get happier every second I moaned.
" f-aster", I moaned as he did I felt this knot in my stomach start.

" I'm- cum-in", I whisper as I archy back. I as I came all over his fingers. He licked his fingers and then stuck his tongue in. And licked it all up.

He discarded his underwear. And looked at me. As I nodded and he slid himself in me. He let me a just and I nodded as he slowly started and then getting hard.

I moaned aloud in pleasure.
He moaned as I rapped my legs around his waist and holding on to him. Making him go deeper every time he thrusted.

He moaned into my neck as I pulled on his hair.
" I-m", I whispered.
" I know I am to"~, as he thrusted faster. I moan/ screamed as I cam. He was still thrusting making my legs buckle. Shortly after he cam. As I cam a second time.

He pulled out and played next to me.
' I love you'~
" I love you too".

Longiest chapter I have ever wrote. ._.

Well I hope you guys injoy it.
Love y'all ❤

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