34 Worries Past Dream

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Can you show me your dream...~?

"Welcome newbie", a blonde guy said with a gay looking smile.

I looked up to him and grinned and nodded a little.
" you seem amusing", I say smirking.. That must have made Hisoka twitch a little because he had came to sit next to me with protectly arm over me.

I had stealed a glance at him. And he had his eyes closed. I talked a little more to the weird blonde guy. Till the boss stood up.
" alright guys let's head out, oh yes Hisoka show Laira the ropes", as we started walking out of the building.

"Already a mission?", I question with a confused look. Hisoka slowly looked at me and smirked.
"I guess so",~ he said lowly.

*feels Gon and Killua nen*

I look over my shoulder to see Gon and Killua walking and laughing. I felt a grin form on my face .How I just wanted to run over there and hug them....
But I have a mission and I can't in danger them.

I put my hood on and concealed my nen so they couldn't pick it up.

I caught one last glimpse of them laughing of the unknown danger they were close to, and I felt a small tear run down my face. I quickly rubbed it away and disappeared with the crowd of people.

Back flash***
"Can you show me your dream?",
my mother asked.

I slowly nodded and closed my eyes as she put her head on mine.
I saw flashes of the dream but then. She pulled away from me with tears running down her face.

" how blessed you are my child but also cursed to the future", she said with tears running off her face.

Out of insincereity I put my hand on her cheek ," don't worry mama I will be ok", I said with a unsure smile on my face but made it brave.

I felt all of a sudden sleepy," why mother?", I said sleepy. "It's to protect you , your our last blood line after tonight of your dream is tonight ", she said with tears but a brave face.

I passed out on this night. The night of today my life had died and was awoken to a new life of fear and awakening of new powers.

From this same day I got stronger I will not fail my clan.
I will kill Phantom Troupe.... Even if that means killing the people I love to complete that goal.

All for my clans death...
Can you show me a new dream? Or relive the hell of the past...
Well it's fall break for meh.
So Idk so much about written more this week or not. But I'll try.

Love y'all

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