Chapter 36

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Days.. Weeks... Months... I've lost count. The only person I see anymore than darkness is the boss man. He comes in every now and again just to take stress out on me. He talks to me and answers himself....

If I talk or make a noise he will hurt me more. I have cuts on top of cuts and black spots on top of black spots.
Weak from starvation, and no water, I smell like blood.

All I can do is stare into nothing, when he leaves I say prayers one after another. I could feel my insanity leaving me every day.

One day very odd, the boss comes in takes my chains off and I fall to the ground.
"Stand up," he hissed, I'd did as he said. He put cuffs of my hands and lead me out of the room. Still no day light....
He lead me into a room with a bed, then lead me to the bathroom in the room.

"Strip," he commanded, slowly did as he asked. I've never let anyone see my body besides Hisoka...

I felt tears run down my face of the thought of him. It will never be the same again...
I felt his eyes rake down my body I shivered at it.

He turned the water on," get in," he commanded again. I got in and flinched at the pain the hot water make on my cuts.

I stood in that shower for about 5 minutes and then I felt a presense behide me.. He also got in the shower.. I stood there shocked for a minute and covered myself not wanting him to hurt me anymore.

I felt him rub soap on my back making me flinch again. "Turn around," he said lustfully. I slowly turned around and stared at the floor. "When I am talking to you, you look at me," he hissed. I closed my eyes and looked up at him with pain.
Hes eyes made me remember all the bad things his done to me.

He prid my hands away from my breasts which make me cry he looked at me and took him hand to my face and pulled his face closer till he was kissing me I tryed pulling away. Get away! Run..

Is all I could think but I was way to weak to do anything.
I got tired and lost control, he had commanded me to do things I cryed while doing so in that shower. He touched me where I only let Hisoka touch me.... My whole body felt violated.

He turned the water off and picked me up and went to the room he put me on the bed and crawled on top of me and continued to kiss me, down my gaw line, to my breasts and back.
Tears ran down my face as he used my body for his pleasure.

He postioned himself and pushed himself into me. I screamed for the first time I'd made a noise. He smirked as he didn't wait for me to a just to it. He just capped going. I held back the painful moans and agony.
He threw one of my legs up and I screamed again as he smirked. I'd already climaxed 3 times and he hadn't he just capped going and going it was just painful... Awful... Horrid..
He went fast and threw my other leg over and faster and faster... I could feel blood running down there then he finished with one last push and it filled me up and made me shake in pain. And he pulled out and it poured out.

He layed next to me and put us under the covers and held me tight to his cheast. I layed there and cryed ," you are mine now you are to do what I tell you," he said sleeply. And I passed out unable to think anymore....

Well then.... This character is pretty messed up... But I guess it be ok

Love y'all

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