chapter 25

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Hisoka is the left corner v.s Luster is in the right. 1..2...3

Luster looks pretty handsome, but Hisoka beats him 100x more.
Luster had black waved hair with light blue eyes. A little taller than me. I think I see a lip ring too. Kawii~

Luster made the first move, a hit to the left, which was easily dodged by Hisoka. Then left Hisoka open, luster kicked Hisoka half way across the arena.
Hisoka landed it easily.

Hisoka made his first move, a card was thrown, Luster made a sword appear an cut the card in half. Hisoka watched as his joker card ripped in half slowly fast to the floor.

Luster is sooo dead now...
" do you know how much them cards were "~, Hisoka said with lust in his eyes instead of tears.

Luster just shrugged, " don't know an dollar or two?". Hisoka disspeared and was behind Luster. But Lusters soul wasn't thier it was gone behind Hisoka now.

Hisoka hit the dead body, which turned into nothing. After Hisoka realised that it was fake, it was to late.

Luster had his sword under hisokas neck. " beg for Mersey and quit , if you don't I'll kill you right here right now", luster said with venom.

Hisoka stood there for a minute, then blood lust spiked from both of them. Then I heard Luster moan, as I looked closer Hisoka had a hand on Luster's little friend...

" What the hell are you doing Hisoka?", I screamed. Hisoka looked at me with pleasure. I just froze ,very confused at what Hisoka was doing. Till Luster gave in and moaned out so loud that the whole stage could hear him.

It's a good thing Luster was wearing black jeans or people would have noticed what they just did ...

Well that match ended very weird... I walked down the steps I felt eyes on me for about 10 minutes now. I took a a turn into a dark hallway to wait for Hisoka.

I leaned against the wall and put my music in and closed my eyes.
I felt nen come closer to me. I open my eyes to see Luster walk around me. I eyed him for a little bit till he turned the corner , out of sight.

" well are ready to go back to the hotel"~, Hisoka asked snaking his arm around my waist.
I turned to him and asked," I didn't know you were a charmer for guys to".

He grinned shyly, " I guess I do"~.

I held his hand to our hotel room, once was got off the elevator we walked closer to our rooms till we saw a guy next to my door.

I walked to Hisoka's door with him and leaned in to Hisoka an kissed him. " I love you"~, Hisoka whispered in my ear.

" same here", I said grinning.
After Hisoka stepped in his room and closed the door.

" so I'm guessing you two are close", Luster asked with a sparks in his eyes.

" Ya I guess so", I said coldly.

I went to my door and unlocked it. I was half way in the door, to being pushed in as Luster closed the door and locked it.

" your boyfriend isn't nice to just let me be alone after what he did to me", he said with lust.

Oh no...

Twist ending


Love y'all

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