Chapter 4

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To be warned thier are every weird content in this. As if you have watched ( hunterXhunter). Injoy...

**Lairas pov**

After we have pass yet another exam we were in an elevater. Leo an Kurapika yelled an tried to convince Gon what he should be as a Hunter.

I sat Thier with my hands crossed eyes closed. Listing to world so cold by three days of grace.

Ding ding the elevator opened we walked in the room filled with hundreds of contestons.

This green human jelly bean gave us tags. Like everyone else.
I was walking with my eyes closed listening to music. When I bumped into a kid with silver hair and blue eyes. I could see the pain of his childhood.
I took out my ear buds.

I srry I have wasn't paying attention, I shyly said. Holding my hand to help him back up.
But he stood up on he's own.

Watch were your going next time, he said coldly.

I grinned at the coldness. Whatever I said as I walked away.

Looked around at the contestants. I saw only two who used nen. A clown of something a little cute to me. Then some weird wooden freak!
It was cool an scarey. I could feel my blood lust spike. The clown looked right at me. As I stared at him. Then I lost interest in him. An went back to Gon an them. I felt someone's blood lust I looked around to see the clown looking around as if he as lost something.

When a man bumped him in the shoulder an didn't say sorry. His hand started turning into pink flowers. The clowns blood lust went down a bit.
He looked right at me an I looked away quickly.

Then a man with purple hair with a mustache that hidden his mouth.

Welcome to the hunters exam well you please follow me, he turned an walked with long spider like legs.

We walked/ran about an hour.

Gon started talking to that kid I bumped into. I think he's name was Killua.

I once again was listening to music running. It felt good to run.

But then I noticed the clown right next to me. 0_0

My heart rate went up a little.

What Ya listening to? He questioned. I looked at him our eyes locked for a second.

Repeating Apologies why do you ask?

Hmm I heard him hum the song I was listening to.

I take it you know the song? I ask.

He grinned, yes I do.

So this is your second hunter exam?, I asked.

He's grin was now an evil one.
Yup, want to know why? He asked.

I nodded.
Well I killed one of the people in the hunters exam last year, he said with blood lust dripping off every word.

I looked at him. I saw not a clown but a killer. Who is getting very close to me while we're running.

I didn't realize I was blushing until it was to late.

Your cute when you blush, he cooed in my ear.

I shivered at the warmth of his breath.

We are talked a bit more than the group stopped. They were confused on who the Procter was. Hisoka solved that problem every fast.

He looked at me an I grinned Like mad. Because we were thinking the same things.

Once again were running. Hisoka told me to get away from him for right now he had business to take care of.

I nodded an ran another way.

Hope you guys injoy!❤

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