chapter 16

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I didn't give once or let my guard down. I let my senses take over.

He is most of offensive when it comes to joking about my past..

He was a friend to the Aces an now he has betrayed me no my family... An he was going to pay for it.

I finally managed a hit from my father's seif. I put it away because I had cut his arm off.

Ready to give up yet?, I said coldly.

Boy you have grown to fight, he chuckled.

I remember you crawling to my door step the night of your familts death, your eyes were full of sorrow an anger, I loved it how I kicked you down thoughs steps just for you to crawl back again, he smirked.

I stood Thier hurt pain ran through my veins my heart dropped at the past of he's words. I just stared at him.

I'm not the same slave you remember I am free an no one can take it from me, I stated with emotionaless expression.

I stood up an put out his whip with knifes melted into it. I tremble with fear of that weapon. He smirked, remember this?

I let go I felt my brothers chains around me like a save blanket. My mother's blue warm flames.

I am no longer afraid of this...

I raised my hands forward an before the chains could move.
He's arm was attached back like I'd never cut it off....

He moved he's whip at me. I blocked it with my brothers chains.

Go to hell , I screamed.

Sorry I'm already here, he smirked.

How.... Do I end this if I can't do something soon I'll be displayed an ashamed for my family's name...

I felt wings grow up with the chains. Grandmother ..... I have her gift to?.

I smiled in happiness my grandmother never left me either.

Tears of happiness flowed as I ran at Jay.

Thanks family..

My new wings were white with sliver linings. I could take an entire army down with a flash now.. nothing can stop me from going to my future.

You have 2 minutes to fight an if you can't defeat your opponent you will be assigned another fighter.

I looked at the chairman an he winked with a goofy smile.

I smiled, this is fun.

Jay looked tired already from 10 minutes of fighting.

I put my chains away. So I won't reveal my entire clans power.

All I needed was my wings.

I Am faster than light now. I can win... I disappeared to in front of Jay an smacked him across the room. An he landed with a thud.

He didn't move till I was a inch away. I lowered myself to his face as he looked at me.

Your a mon-sterr, he murmured.

I just looked at him.
So are you done you can fight someone else now if you quit, I said coldly.

He looked away. An slow got up an raised his hand... I forfeit...

I put my wings away an walked out of the room to the bathroom.

I'm a hunter now. !!! (*^o^*)

Hope Ya liked it. ~ Butterweed

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