chapter 40

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I heard voices in the room I was in I tryed opening my eyes to see who it was. But I failed every time.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach making my eyes open automatically, I quickly shut them because the lighting was to bright causing a slight head ache.

I slowly open my eyes to see Scarlett in the corner reading a magazine with Hisoka standing near a window.

I looked to my other side to see Chrollo next to me reading as well.

I was trying to fit the pieces together on what happened, who hit me in the stomach...

I looked back at Scarlett and Hisoka a little confused on why they were in here.
" so what did I miss ?", I said with a raspy voice.

Chrollo looked up from his book still with no joy in his eyes.

" not happy to see me ?", I said a little sad.

He turned me to a mirror and I stared long and hard to why he had brought it to me.

I looked at Chrollo with confusion. He sighed," your eyes are blue... They were red before",.

I looked back at the mirror once again and saw that not only was my eyes blue , My hair was fading into blonde slowly.

Chrollo coughed," care to explain this?".

" it's just a rare condition I have it happens every few months", I said trying to sound like that was all.

" what family did you come from",~ Hisoka asked still staring out the window.

If I said Ace Chrollo would use or take my ability. Also Hisoka would think I was Laira again... Damn I'm at a cross roads again. -_-

" The Aloè clan ", said as I layed to my side studying my hair to make it look like I was innocent and had nothing to do.

Chrollo got up and walked out the room. Scarlett started to walk out, " I'll be right behind you",~ Hisoka said. She nodded and left the room.

I sat up once again to examine my stomach to see if there was any bruising but no and the pain was gone to.

I looked up to see Hisoka staring at me.I quickly put my shirt down so he wouldn't see all my marks and scars.

" do you have a staring problem?'
", I said slowly getting off the bed.

" only for dangerous people that interest me",~ he said amused and walked closer, making me take a step back.

" do you know who the Ace clan is?",~ as he circled the room with eyes locked onto me.

" I've heard of them but there all dead no one exists from that clan", I said bravely and stood my ground.

I felt in control so I closed my eyes and focused my nen around me like a barrier.

I opened my eyes to have cards thrown at me it was cut into twos by blue fire.

" Laira?",~ he said as his eyes looked very amused. I pulled off the confused look at him, I shook my head," what are you so obsessed with ?", I asked walking to the window to look out to darkness.

He snaked his arm around my waist and my neck.
" your the only thing that interests me right now, how you look so much like her, he tryed to move my shirt but I fought back.
He just ripped my shirt off exposeing me in my bra.

Hes eyes went wide as he saw my marks but he's eyes darkned when he saw the scars on my skin.

" that wasn't really nice", I said feeling cold now. I walked to the bed and grabbed a sheet and covered myself up.

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