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Capitan pov

Well all the bad ass looking people are groaning an moaning from the ship rocking back an forth.

"Well we'll looks like Thier are only 5 people who have passed this test", I say. "Go and bring up the 4 left", I say to one of the crew mates.

Aye sir!

Laira's pov

Me an Gon an two others were called to see the captain. Once we were up thier he asked us a personal question, why do we want to be a Hunter?

Gon said: "because he's going in search for he's father that is a Hunter to!".

"All right he says who else?".

Kurpika said he'd rather not talk about it. Leo nods.

The captain looks at me an I look down.

"I'm going to be a Hunter to revenge my family, an kill the Phantom Troop", I had to claim down before my eyes turned redder.

Captain nods and says well I guess Gon an Laira are the only ones passing the first exam.

Leo and Kurapika look shocked.

Then Kurapika answers, "To avenge my tribe and kill the Phantom Troop as well as her", He points at me.

Leo says real fast," I'm doing for the money. Because money buys everything you ever want", says him and his stary eyes *-*

Capitan nods an says," congratulations you have passed the first exam!! ".

We smile and Gon jumps up an down. I laughed at he's cuteness.

The storm outside was getting worse and we all 5 run to the deck because people were running and falling, slipping. I grinned then hid it. I grabbed a rope and tied it down.

Just in time to see a guy fall off the deck then I see Gon jump I grabbed Gons feet. Not thinking about what I did. Then I feel something grab my feet. And pull us up. We sat on the deck panting "well that was close", I sighed.

Gon giggles we all smile. I look at Kurpika an smile. He blushed.

Omg does he like me?!! I thought in my head.

Hours later.........

We have arrived at a dock an we stepped off. And we were told some stuff. I follow Gon and he points into a direction an I follow his lead.

But Leo said we should go another way.

I said ,"I trust Gon's instinct an so we're going this way".

Leo glares at me, "fine then", he says. He walks off an heads another way. Kurpika is walking next to me with his eyes closed.
Suddenly Leo runs back to us saying,"oh well that way was to long any way.. ",he laughed nervously.

We reach a woman with a bunch of other people in masks. Yellings chants at us we frozes in shocked faces.

This must be part of the exam I whispered to my self..

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