chapter 42

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Life hurts a lot more than death- unknown.

"How much more time does he have left?", I ask closing in at the door of the room.

" he has a few days but .... I know I can save him but it's going to cost my families trust", he said in a whispery tone.

As I put Killua down I walk into the room to see IV's every where and all I see is a boney body of the child.

I heard silent sobs from Killua as he couldn't look at him. " I couldn't do anything , I promised him i would protect him... And I couldn't...", he sobbed.

I kneeled to his level and hugged him as hot tears ran down my face and Killua sobbed his body shook.

" we can still save him", I said.

Killua looked up in my eyes and our eyes matched in sync as he nodded. " it will take a few days to get there", he said standing up.

" that's fine I just got to check up on someone else why we are here",I said looking at gons life less body.

We walked out the door and I turned to face it and relised nen on the door through the door to make sure he was protected while we were gone.

Killua turned on his defense nen when he realized it was just me casting nen , he lowered his. We walked to mikos room as I walked in I heard a male voice and mikos.

I quickly opened the door to face the unknown man. But to my surprise it was Hisoka standing backed against a corner and miko sitting up in the bed.

Killua tensed up as he saw Hisoka. I grabbed his hand as he calmed down a little.
I could feel Hisoka eyes on my hand with Killuas.

I walked in and closed the door. " so are you feeling better miko?", I asked sitting next to her still holding onto Killua.

She nodded then looked at Hisoka," we were just talking about our plan to crush the Phantom Troop", she said turning her attention to me then to the boy next to me.

" who is this ?", she said watching him.

Killua let go of my hand, " I'm Killua my last name is not important right now, I am a friend of Lairas", he said putting his hands in his pockets looking over at me then back at miko.

She looked down at him and back up then at me. " when did you start being friends with kids?", she said with a hint of mockery.

" I met him in the hunters exam along with others that's how I know him and Hisoka", I said closing my eyes as memories flood my mind of back then. Then a picture of Gon brought me back.

" I just came to check on you but we are in a hurry to save someone", I said standing up I hugged miko goodbye and walked out.

" not even a hi? Or hug?",~ Hisoka said from the corner.

I looked back,"Ive got important things to do,I'm still not ready to forgive you yet".

I looked at a smirk that dissapeared as he looked down to play with his cards.

We walked out the hospital as we did. " what happened between you and Hisoka?", Killua said looking at me.

" something bad and I'm not ready to forgive that easy for it", I said looking down at him.

" do you want to talport instead of running and walking?", I asked stopping.

" sure", he said. As I opened the portal.

Time to go..
(^▽^) hope ya love it action will be in the next chapter.

Love y'all.

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