chapter 7

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Hmm so warm, I whisper.

I hear a light chuckle.I turn my head up to see Hisoka.

Hes hair was a mess, an hot mess!

I stared at him for what seemed like forever...

I can't help me self!! I run my hand threw he's hair. It's so soft!!
I screamed in my head.

It was about 5 in the morning.
So I tried to get up, but his grip on me was so tight.
I stare evily at him but he's just Thier sleeping.
So decided to play a little.

I made my presents go away to make it feel like I wasn't here anymore.

He opened his eyes a little an stared at me.

I stared back with lifeless eyes.

He leaned in closer to me an grabbed my chin an put me closer to him. An ..... I put my hand in front of my mouth when he went to kiss me.

The dissapointment in his eyes made me feel bad. He rolled over on his back still with his hand on my waist. I want to tease him a bit..
I prompt my self up to were I was on top looking at him.

He opened his eyes again just in time to see me kiss him.

I could feel the grin on his face along with shock. I pulled away not long after that. He smirked an knew I was teasing him now.

Attention all hunter examines please be at the dock in 30mins. That's all bye.

I went to get up an he let me go. I turned to look at him real quick... He wasn't wearing any clothes late night!! I had thoughts fill my head as I stared at his body.

My eyes went up a down. Then I felt his eyes looking at me. My face was tomato red now that I was caught.

Like what you see?, he smirked.

I blushed. An walked into the bathroom to change. I undressed an picked out a black tank top an blue jean shorts with leggings. An black war boots. I looked at my hair an just rebraided it. I didn't notice him starring at me.

I guess I forgot to close the door, I yelled at myself.

I smirked, like what Ya see ?

He grinned an walked into the bathroom an closed the door an locked it!

I looked at him with curiosity. He was dressed thank god.

He leaned in at me my back against the wall. He wrapped he's arms around my waist an pulled me into a kiss. I forgot about the world. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Deeping the kiss. It lasted for a while. It ended when the announcement had 5 mins to get to the dock.

I pulled away an walked out without a word to him.

I must be strong an do what I came here for. Not to fall in love with a clown!

I felt he's hand grab my wrist. He turned me back to him an pulled me into a hug. I felt my thoughts melt like butter..

I feel my eyes heat up an before I realized it. I was crying? I guess I scared him because he picked me up an carried me to the dock.
I stop him from carrying me anymore.

I sorry, I said.

Don't worry over it, he grinned.

I smile an see everyone ready for the next challenge..

We were dropped off on top of a rock.? I walked around an looked at the floor. I noticed Hisoka wasn't here anymore an people started to disappear. I walked a little till my feet dropped from under me.

I landed with both feet on the floor. I looked around to see nothing but a watch. I read the directions. I noticed Thier was one missing that means I'm peared up with someone?

Well this is got to be fate if this keeps happening, a voice in the corner.

-_- again I'm with him. Hisoka walked over to me. I gave him a look an saw a door behide him.

He follows my eyes to the door. An walks to it. We press a button on our watches. And the door opens...

^~^ injoy guys love y'all

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