chapter 20

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What do you mean special?, Jay asked as he was staring at me.

The chairman followed Jays eyes to mine. "Well you two were the only ones to use nen. Some have problems at first, you two are advanced in nen and still advancing", he answered.

So that is why were full fledged Hunter?, I questioned. The chairman nodded. This is bad being rare is never good....

After 5 minutes of talking we were let go into our new lives.

I followed Gon up to Illum. I could feel the blood lust of Illum.
He wants to kill Gon...
I stood close but not to close, out of sight.

Illums blood lust spiked up and down. Then slowed," you will find Killua at our home".

I felt illums hand almost touch Gon, then I felt Gon move fast to get away from Illums hand.

Thank you, Gon said walking away with Kurapika and Leo. I stepped out as Hisoka appeared.

I felt his hands on my waist an pulled me into him. His lovely warmth the joy I feel with him.

Hisoka stared at Gon an smiled.
What a sweet fruit, but I got to let the fruit ripin, Hisoka said with joy laced into his shivering words.

I know,I know how you are with your prey, Illum put his hands up with defense. I caught Illum looking at Gon, till he felt my presences.

My eyes had grew red with silver. "If you ever look at him again with that look of yours, it will be the last thing you do in your life", I hissed at him with venom.

He looked at me an walked away.
" Your sexy when your mad", Hisoka whispered in my ear.

I turned my head an kissed him on the cheek causeing him to let go of me in shock.

I smirked at him lightly blushing.
"Look who is cute now", I grinned.Hisoka gave me a curious but serious look, that turned into a smile.

" So what is my little Hunter going to do now?", Hisoka asked looking at the sky.

"End the Phatom Troop", I said with no emotion.

He smiled," so does that mean your coming with me"? I nodded with a fake smile.

Do you feel his presence?, Hisoka whispered. I closed my eyes and looked with my feelings. Jay?

I opened my eyes to look at a face, Jay. Hisoka stood next to me very closely than normally.

" what do you want?", I asked coldly. He looked at the sky, " I want a rematch sometime", he said with hurt.

I had moved my head in a curious way to make sure he was serious." Why?",I asked.

" To know who is stronger, plus I have a bet to make if you want to fight", he said looking at me then at Hisoka. "Without him though", Jay pointed at the clown beside me.

Hisoka had a serious face on, telling me that he could kill him now. I took Hisokas hand an walked the other way.

" Maybe next time, I got things I have to do before selling myself away", I said waving.

Hisoka stared at me confused with what I did. " I'm hungry", I said smiling.

Hisoka took me to a fast food place, I ordered pizza with a coke. Hisoka ordered at burger with fries an water.

I stared out the window into the night, wishing my family was still alive. Hisoka slowly moved then the next thing I knew he had kissed me. When he had pulled away I looked at him with joy.

He smiled with amusement," so when are we going to say were a item", he asked seductively.

My mouth dropped, " did you just ask me that", I questioned.

I'm just joking, he chuckled. I gave him my your annoying right now look. He lightly chuckled then went back to his food.

So when are we going to the Phantom Troop?, I asked seriously.

He looked at me...

When ever you want to....

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