Chapter 35

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Wild wind and rain, thunder roared as lighting ran through the sky. Shadows hide secrets of the dead.

Red blood spilled over the ground, screams of pain over miles were no could hear you. The mission had finished , people that had a life are no longer alive.

Is this what I wanted? Death... Murder...yes for my goal nothing will stand in my way no more, no one.

We went back to the hide out or what was left of it.
I have been feeling distant from Hisoka I don't feel the love as we once had. I had sat down in my spot that I always have. I've noticed my eyes are still blood red.

I was still in dragon state. The curse of the last child of the Ace clan. Oh how I was picked on at my schools for my eyes and hair changed every month or so.

The past breaks my heart more and more as I see it today. I guess Hisoka could feel the tension coming off me.

He slowly walked over to me and sat next to me. And just stared at me with his blood lustful eyes. I could see a cold blooded murder but also something he haddent
in a while, he loving side. Just leaned into him and he just held me there his skin was cold but I was warm so it made me and he shiver.

Oh how we were so different. How could he still love me? What made him keep loving me..?

"Hisoka do you still love me?," I whispered to where he was the only one to hear it.

He looked calm as always and slowly looked down at me. " Every day I do and nothing has changed my mind,"~ Hisoka whispered lustfully. All in this moment Hisoka looked away and tensed up as he looked over by the door way.

I slowly looked I felt my heart stop as we saw a tall man with Gon and Killua in his hands. I stood up and felt hair stand up on my back like a cat in shock and fear.

Hisoka quickly had me sit down next to him he was the only holding back. And if I had to make a problem this would be it for Hisokas I.D
in the troop..

I was at a cross roads do I play like I don't know them.. but what if they kill them???


I jump in and run with Gon and Killua but who knows what will happen then.

What will I do...
The man threw the boys on the ground. I growled at him doing so. I could feel my eyes turning deep blood red now the angry and panick that was happening.

The man kicked Killua across the room... And stomped on Gon. They screamed in agony. I was scratching hisokas arms but he wouldn't let me go.

One of the members stabbed Gon as he was trying to dodge it but didn't make it.
Killua was trying to help Gon but a big fat guy sat on him. Tears ran down my face Gon was bleeding out and Killua was running out of air. I turned to Hisoka and saw something that scared me more Hisoka was... Crying? No he's to strong to cry like that and tear ran down his face. I made him look at me with my hands on his face. "Let me go please I'll be ok if I don't go now I won't be able to save them," I begged. He looked at me unsure he lossens his grip on me and I kissed him one last time and dissapeared. I kicked the fat man in the head off Killua. I picked up Killua and walked slowly walked over to Gon.

Members were yelling and screaming at him but as I got to Gon all was silent. The boss was standing above me now. He kicked me across the room. I slowly got up, " you killed ..... him," I whispered.

" you son of a bitch," as I ran at top speed just to get kicked back to were I was.

Tears ran down my face the boss picked me up by my hair and looked into my eyes and slung me in the air in mid air he drop kicked me.

All air left me as I slowly got up. Repeatedly being kicked down till I couldn't move again. At this time I felt gons small heart beat..

I glad I used all my nen to bring you back..

I used a little more to make a portal to a hospital " NOW KILLUA," I screamed as Killua had Gon and ran through the portal. It closed the second they left ,some of the members had tryed to jump through it but refused them.

The anger showed in there faces, death was staring me in the face.

The boss threw me in a room and chained me to the wall were I couldn't use nen.

I knew he could take my ability away in a blink of an eye. But he found a worse punishment for me.

Well I be able to see the light of day again?

Srry I haven't updated in a while. So here it is so injoy.

Love y'all

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