chapter 41

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Miko please be ok...

I traveled up one building to stare down at the now burning building. I saw members along with Hisoka.
The look was a boredomist look but I knew the truth of his ways.

I kept an eye out for Miko an unusual red flame slashed threw the building, making it fall and the members ran to get away.

I finally saw miko but Chrollo had her by the neck and held her in the air as air slowly left her lungs.


I didn't think I just went
" dark moonlight", i said as my hair turned black my eyes red once more.

Black wings and claws and feet like a dragon. Blue fire her ran around me as I held my cief as I ran at the speed of light.

Chrollo looked in my direction as he let Miko fall to the ground.

I sung my cief as it grew to a larger size as I ran after him.
Nen was every where as members came running.

I had to act quickly. I picked Miko up but everything stopped I looked down , she was cold.... life less .. You could say she was dead but she was still alive..

He stole her nen?....
They were closing in on us.
I opened a portal under me and went threw it and ended up in front of a hospital.

" I told you to run Laira", miko whispered to me.

I looked down at her and then back at the hospital.

" I didn't want to be left alone again", I said trying not to cry.

She put a hand on my cheek and we walked I'm the hospital.

After a few hours of waiting I went to the info desk.
" do Killua and Gon 12 year old boys still here?", I asked.

She typed on her computer and looked up at me. " what is your name?", she asked seriously.

" Laira Ace", I said looking into her eye's.

She stared at me a little bit more till she nodded," room 1673", she said returning to her work.

I left the waiting room to 1673. I watched out for familiar faces till saw Killua walking in the hall.

He had a tears running down his face. He didn't see me but I walked into him and he looked up as a smile formed on his face as he bared his face into my stomach.

He shook from sobs and pain. I neled down to his level. As I put my hand on his cheek.

" long time no see", I smiled at him. He gave me a weak smile and looked at the floor as he tried to wip his tears away.
Always trying to act strong...

" so where's Gon?", I asked looking up over Killua to scan people for the familiar face of his.

" his in room 1673", he said still looking down. Even though Killua was just a few years younger than me I felt like a mother or older sister.

So I picked him up and carried him to room 1673.
" I'm not a baby you don't have to carry me", he groaned in embrassment.

"I haven't seen you in a long time just let me hold you", I said walking.

He just put his face in my shoulder and we weren't far from room 1673.

" so how bad is gons condition?", I asked. He flinched as thoughs words escaped my mouth.

" how did you know?", he asked not looking me in the eye. " I knew how bad it was when I sent you guys through the portal", I ran my hand through his white hair.

He don't got much time....

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