chapter 33

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' can you entertain me ?'

I slowly look up over to Hisoka with a bored look. "How much further?", I asked as we jumped roofs one after another.

" almost there ",~ Hisoka grinned but I could see the worry hiding in his eyes. We ran across some more roofs for about 30 minutes later. And Hisoka stopped in front of a runed down building.

" were here",~ he hissed with excitement. I walked silently behind Hisoka as we walk into the building. As we walked into this large room with pretty much nothing in it besides ruble.

Hisoka stops and I look from behind him to see about 13 people in the room. I didn't even since them...

I didn't move from my spot till something no someone caught my eye... It was him... That same man... I'm glad my eyes were already red so it wouldn't screw this up for Hisoka.

"Wheres your partner?", the man with dark eyes asked. Hisoka moved for in front of me showing I was behind him. I just looked like I was bored until the man's eyes looked into mine. I hide the shiver I had. I moved my eyes around the room to look at all of them. New members? Maybe....

Then my eyes also landed on that same woman... But she looked different than back then... She was still young looking to me.

" well show us what you got", a man said with black hair and a assion like jacket. Hisoka stepped away from me and watched the show. The black haired man ran at me. Making me teleport away from him. " are you running away?", he said annoyed. I hung my head off to one side as if I never heard him in a mocking way. I could tell I hint a nerve.

" are you mad now?", I said in a mocking way. His eye twitched a little. I took off my eye caught his umbrella. This is amusing to me..

He swung his umbrella at me making it into a sword. I clowned myself and made my since dissapare. He stabbed my dead clown as he looked in my direction. I had my ceif knife sized one out. He smirked at my little weapon. "Looks can be deceiving", I smirked. He sighed as if he was bored with me. It was time to end this in a powerful way. * smirks*

Grampa and Grama lend me ur power..

Sliver wings appeard and my seif was a bigger size. Blue flames hung around me. I ran at him before he could even move. I cut is arm ligthly and held him in a killing postion. My flames could feel the heat coming off of him...
He welds fire to?

" is that all you have?", I asked ready to kill him.. I felt my blood lust spike a bit making the others plus Hisoka get tinse.

The guy I was at killing point with held his arms giving up.
But I had to make sure... He is lieing...

I move back makeing him think I was clueless. Once he got up he threw fire and ran at me with sonic speed. But he had to get faster than me first to kill me.

My wings made it look like we weren't even standing in place we looked like we were invisible at how fast me were going.

Every now and again there would be sparks from our blades clashing. I could feel my nen going low. I guess it's time to go all out.

He did to I guess he was now wearing a red suit jacket and a large sun sized ball above him.

I call above my clan lend me your power.

I felt something new. I was wearing a black short cut dress with a hoody over my head with gloves, black scale boots running up my legs.

With my wings a black and scaled like. My cief turned into a bigger one. My brothers chains were around me with my blue flames running a threw my body.
My eyes were like dragons..

Our every own Dragon spirit is in me from my clan. As the man ran at me with the flaming ball.

The ball moved at me with one slice of my cief the flames exploded. My wings moved in front of me protecting me along with my flames and chains.

After everything had gotten quiet. I moved my black wings to see that the building was in pieces. The man I was fighting still standing there. And everyone else was on defense mode. I fell my nen slowly turn into nothing leaving me with nothing more than my cief.
It was still large but light to pick up.

The guy I was fighting had a red blush on his face as I look down my clothes was in rips and shreds. But I was still covered up.

Hisoka moved closer to me to put a jacket over me with a hood on it. " that's enough ", the man boss said.

The man I was fighting turned back to himself with a bored look on his face now.

Hisoka smirked at me I blushed lightly. The boss can closer to us and he smiled. " Welcome to the Phantom Troop", he said smiling.

I nodded and Hisoka put his arm around me. Showing I was his, and the boss frowned and back away.

Welcome to my hell...

Well I hope this was okie... Lol
Thx for reading.

Love y'all.

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