chapter 22

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I roll over slowly, and pick my phone up to read it.

'Good Morning,
Get ready in 30 minutes so we aren't late for our fights.-~H

* End of text *

I looked at the time on my paper then at my phone. I had 25 minutes to get ready. Ugghh.....

I jumped up,and went to the bathroom an turned the water on. That took 10 minutes plus drying my hair. I put a black loose shirt on an some multi-colored leggings with shorts. I had braided my hair off to the side,and put on my boots.

I looked at my phone. Just in time to eat a small breakfast. I grabbed a peach an took a bite. It was very sweet,and looshs.


I walked over to the door a looked threw the pep whole and saw it was one of the maids.

I opened it up," Hello?".
The maid turned around to me.

"Oh hi, I'm apart of the room service, do you mind if I start my cleaning?", she asked coldly but with a little annoying laced into it.

" Nope go right ahead, I was-"
"Whatever just because your a fighter means you need to give me a life story, so move out of my way", she glared at me.

I stepped aside, she walked in with her little cleaning kit.

I closed the door and watched her go to work on my bed. I got bored so I went to the bathroom to put my stuff in my suitcase so it wouldn't be in her way.

I walked out to her looking at one of my mother's necklaces.
I guess she felt my presence a put it behide her in her pocket.

I walked into the room an plopped on the bed making it unstrait. " so how's the thrived life of your going for Ya?", I questioned with a smirk.

She froze, "wh-at aree you talk-ing about?" I rolled my eyes an held my hand out an stared at her.

She slowly stood up an grabbed the necklace from her pocket an put it ok in my hands.

I put it in my back pocket," thiefs are scum I would back off of that life," I threatened.

She shook an grabbed her cleaning supplies an ran out of the room, and bumped into Hisoka. I walked to the door an looked at the maid on the floor in front of Hisoka.

" do you need help ma'ma?,"~ Hisoka asked leaning his hand down to her.

" U-mm uhh thanks", she stammered. As he helped her up.
She bowed to Hisoka and said thanks and walked away. I felt a new wave of jealouse.

"Ready to go?,"~Hisoka asked.


I'm sooo excited about reaching 1k views. I love Ya guys thank you so much. I'll try to post more chapters soon.

Love y'all

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