244 13 3

63| Wisdom teeth

Nobody's POV
October 5

"Eissa stop." Toni said and removed her son's fist from his mouth. He has this new habit of putting his fist in his mouth after he eats, resulting in him puking on his hand.


"Don't yell at me, boy." Janet chuckled and shook her head. Those two are always at it. Eissa is growing so fast and he is now nine months old. He has rolled over, crawled, and stood up. He even attempted to run before he learned how to walk.

Toni sighed when she saw that her son puke on his hand. She cleaned him up and changed his clothes.

"Maybe we should put those mittens on his hands. You think that will work?" Janet asked and Toni shrugged.

"Maybe." Janet headed into his drawer and grabbed a pair of baby mittens. While she was putting them on Eissa's hands, he began kicking and screaming.

"Stop Papa." Janet said calmly but he didn't listen.

"Eissa you gotta listen." Azuree said since she heard the commotion from her room. He stopped having a tantrum and smiled at her sister.


"Eissa definitely has a favorite. Now tell him to stop making himself throw up."

"I've tried but he didn't listen." She shrugged and walked back into her room. Within seconds Eissa fought off the mittens. They fell to the floor and he laughed.

"Look at him." Janet chuckled and shook her head. Toni grabbed the mittens and placed them back into the draw. She then carried Eissa into their room and sat him on the bed. He crawled to the middle and laid there.

"Baby you're birthday is in two days, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing really. I'm getting old though."

"Yeah, you are." Toni chuckled and then winced in pain.

"You're wisdom teeth are still hurting you?" For the past couple of days, Toni's teeth have been bothering her. The pain is off and on but today is worst. She has used Orajel and taken a few Tylenol but the pain only stopped for a few hours. Talking too much hurts and also eating.

"Maybe you have to go to the dentist, like today." Janet suggested and Toni shook her head.

"Hell no. I think I'm fine now." Toni tried to speak through the pain and her wife laughed at her.

"You're such a big baby. It's a quick procedure."

"I'm not doing that."

"Then you'll just be in pain and mute."

"Fine." Toni rolled and the couple got out of bed and got dressed. Janet called her sisters to come over and watch their kids for a few hours while they went to the dentist. Toni hates the dentist. They make your gums bleed and then tell you that you need to floss like they didn't just poke your gums. The couple walked into the dentist's office and waited for the dentist to see them. A few moments later, the dentist's assistant called Toni's name and they walked to the back room. Toni sat in the chair and Janet sat next to her while holding her hands. Janet took a quick picture and then laughed.

"You're acting like a baby."

"I would like to see you in this chair."

"Nope." Janet is also scared of the dentist.

"Thought so."

"Keep playing I'll punch you right in your gums." Janet said and Toni's mouth dropped.

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