Chapter 1: How it started...

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While Sherlock was away for two years pretending to be dead he had to track down Moriarty's network and he didn't do it alone. Sherlock Holmes had help from Kelly Martin, she used to work for Moriarty and she knew everything about his network so of course Sherlock wasn't going to turn down her help... But she wanted payback for risking her life to help Sherlock... Yes Sherlock gave himself to her in order for her to help him, he wasn't happy about it but he was desperate!

After Sherlock stopped Moriarty's network he and Kelly went their separate ways, Mr Holmes was unaware that Kelly was pregnant.

Kelly kept to the shadows making sure she was safe. Her baby was born two months early and has always been incredibly small but Kelly vowed to protect her daughter at all costs...

"Shush baby I need you to be very quiet okay," Kelly whispered to the small two year old as she placed her in the wardrobe. "Some people are going to be here soon and they'll take you to your Daddy."

Kelly kissed her daughters head and wrapped her in a blanket, she shut the door and went down stairs, she crept into the kitchen and saw a hooded man facing away from her.

"Kelly Martin you have betrayed James Moriarty," The man stated in a deep voice. "You are sentenced to death!"

Kelly held back her tears. "Moriarty shall not harm my daughter!" She told the man.

The man chuckled. "Your child is what he wants!" He told her and pulled a gun out.

The man aimed a gun at her then fired it three times at her. Kelly dropped to the floor, a pool of blood surrounded her as she lay still... She was dead!

As the man crept towards the stairs he heard the police sirens, he panicked and quickly ran out the back door; his boss wasn't going to be happy!


The front door was kicked open to reveal detective inspector Greg Lestrade.

"Donovan search the place, there should be a women and a child here!" Lestrade barked.

"Mama?" A little voice cried.

Lestrades head snapped to the stairs, he shot up them quick as a flash, into the girls rooms and saw her lying on the floor crying wrapped in a pink blanket, she was clutching a little black toy horse.

"Hey it's okay, I'm here to help you," Lestrade told her and gently picked her up.

The little girl wriggled in his grip obviously not happy about being handled by a stranger, she let out a high pitch scream and started to cry. Lestrade closed his eyes and tried to calm the child but she was clearly very distressed, Sergeant Donovan rushed up stairs and sent the Detective a sad look... The Mother was dead.

"Call Social Services," Lestrade stated as he rocked the toddler. "I want all this girls relatives found now!"

"Yes Sir," Donovan nodded and left the room talking into her radio.

Lestrade sighed and looked at the little girl. "So what's your name?" He asked out loud.

What the DI didn't know was the child he held in his arms was the child of Sherlock Holmes...

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