Chapter 20: Third Birthday!

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"Abbie not down the stairs!" Sherlock shouted from the kitchen.

Abbie pouted. "Daddy the door!" She told her Dad from the door way that led to the kitchen.

"I'll get it, stay with Mycroft make sure he doesn't try to escape!" He told her.

It had been seven weeks since Sherlock had killed Sebastian Moran. The detective had made a full recovery, he hadn't had that nightmare since and everything was calm at Baker Street for once.

Today was Abbie's third birthday. John and Mary had talked Sherlock into throwing the toddler a party at the flat. At first Sherlock hated the idea but when he saw how excited it made Abbie he couldn't say no and he got started with the planning.

Sherlock invited the Watsons, Mycroft, his parents (they invited themselves), Mrs Hudson, Molly, Lestrade and his son Jack.

Abbie ran into the living room where Molly, Mycroft and the Watsons were.

"My- My cake!" Abbie spoke up and pointed to the little cupcakes on the table. "Miss Hudsons make them!"

Mycroft smiled. "I'm on a diet," He told her. "No cake for me," He told her.

Mycroft had actually had three little cupcakes and had another in his pocket ready to sneak.

"Where is my granddaughter?" Violet Holmes called as she walked up the stairs with her Husband Joseph Holmes both carrying a bag full of presents.

Abbie ran to the stairs and jumped into her grandmothers arms giggling. Violet carried the youngest Holmes into the living room as she kissed her cheek. Mycroft groaned when he saw his parents, mentally preparing himself for the lectures.

"Happy Birthday darling!" Violet told her and placed her on the floor.

"You've spoilt the poor girl," Mycroft muttered from his chair.

Joseph sighed. "She is our only granddaughter," He stated and looked down at Abbie. "She looks so beautiful!"

Abbie giggled and sat by the window, she was waiting for one person in particular...

Sherlock walked up the stairs and frowned at his daughter. "Abbie come and eat something," He told her.

The toddler shook her head. "No, wait!" She told him and pointed out the window.

John chuckled. "She's waiting for J.A.C.K," John told his friend.

When Sherlock was in Hospital Abbie went into Mycroft's care for a few days until he was called out the country on business so Greg Lestrade looked after her, the little toddler had taken a shine to the DI's son Jack, she followed him round and was constantly hanging off him.

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "He'll be here soon," He muttered and went over to his daughter and picked her up holding her high in the air. "Go and play, be a child and throw cake at Mycroft!"

Abbie giggled scrambled in the air trying to reach for her Dad.

"Leave me out of your fun!" Mycroft mumbled.

"Behave you two, Sherly put Abbie down, she's waiting for her friend!" Violet scolded them.

Sherlock looked at his mother in the corner of his eyes. "Kill joy," He stated and placed Abbie down.

Mary gently rocked baby Maddie in her carrier, Abbie sat next to her and played with her little dummy clip. A few weeks ago Sherlock had gotten rid of Abbie's dummies because she was getting too old for them.

"Abbie that's not yours," Sherlock told her.

The toddler pouted. "Daddy pwease?" She asked flashing her watery greeny- blue eyes.

"You did that when we took away your things," Violet stated. "You would scream the house down, took us forever to calm you."

Sherlock groaned... No. Childhood stories were something he didn't want to hear!

Suddenly Abbie's vision went dark, she could hear everyone talked but something was covering her eyes.

"DADDY!" Abbie shouted.

"WRONG!" A young voice stated.

Abbie's vision suddenly became clear and stood in front of her was JACK!

"JACK!" She screamed and dived into his arms.

"Hey little diva!" Jack greeted her and hugged her tightly. "I missed you little girl!"

Abbie giggled and wrapped her arms around Jack's neck.

Lestrade laughed at his son. "Careful with her Jack, she's only little," He told his son as he watched his son throw the grl in the air.

Mrs Hudson walked into the living room holding Abbie's cake, the candles were burning and everyone started singing happy birthday. Sherlock took Abbie into his arms and sat her on his hip, together they blew out the candle and everyone started clapping.

"PRESENTS!" Violet announced.


Lestrade's phone went off.

"A case?" Sherlock asked curiously.

Lestrade nodded. "Murder in central London, you two in?" He asked Sherlock and John.

Sherlock looked at his daughter. "Me too!" She told him.

Sherlock smirked at his daughter. "A birthday case, I couldn't think of anything better!" The Detective stated. "The sooner we get there the sooner we get back and we can open presents!"

"Only a Holmes could go on a case when it's their birthday!" Mary stated.

"Hurry up then, we'll wait," Joseph stated.

The two young Holmes, the two Lestrade's and John slipped on their jackets and went down stairs.

"In a few months you'll be able to bring Maddie along!" Sherlock spoke up. "Abbie can have a friend!"

"Shut up Sherlock!" John stated. "My daughter is not coming on cases!"

Sherlock smirked along with his daughter... Maddie was definitely going to join them!

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