Chapter 4: The child is broke

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The second Abbie woke from her nap she started crying, it wasn't little cries, they were full on hysterical cries. Sherlock being Sherlock tried to tell the toddler she was fine, that there wasn't a need to cry and she was safe but the little girl wasn't having any of it, she just cried louder.

The Detective pulled out his phone and started to do some research on what to do and all he found was trying to comfort her and check for injuries but both were useless. As Sherlock sat in his chair Abbie came over to him and hugged his legs, Sherlock sighed as the two year old wiped her face on his trousers.

He picked her up by her upper arms and sat her on his lap holding her away from him. "What is the matter?" He asked her. "You've been to sleep, you're not hurt so what on earth is wrong?"

Abbie's face was bright red, her eyes were all watery and tears were streaming down her face. Sherlock picked up her back pack and started looking inside of it; He found a pink dummy and tried to give it to her but she pushed it away and cried harder.

Sherlock wanted to pull his hair out, why was this so difficult?

He pulled out his phone and called John. "Get over here now and bring Mary!" He shouted down the phone.

"What's wrong?" John asked.

Sherlock sighed. "The child is broke, she won't stop crying!" He shouted then looked at the distraught child in front of him. "I need your assistance!"

"Alright, alright but we're bringing the baby," John told him. "Give us ten minutes!"

Sherlock cut the call and pocketed his phone, Abbie had now pressed her face into his stomach, her crying seemed to had died down but he could still hear her sniffling and hiccuping.

He gently ran his fingers through her blonde hair. "I didn't know children cried so much," He mumbled. "I knew they got upset easily but you are definitely a drama queen."

And as if Abbie had heard him she sat up and got off Sherlock's lap, she picked up her horse and sat away from her Father. The toddler had brought her knees up to her chest and tears silently fell down her cheeks, she hugged her horse tightly and was looking away from Sherlock.

"And now I've upset her," Sherlock mumbled and closed his eyes.

After about five minutes Sherlock heard some noise, he opened his eyes and saw John carrying Abbie up stairs on his hip, Mary was behind him holding a baby carrier.

"I think she belongs to you," John stated and placed Abbie on Sherlock's lap. "She was trying to get out the front door!"

Abbie looked at Sherlock. "No," She stated and got off Sherlock's lap then walked over to the carrier Mary had put next to the sofa. "Baby."

Mary sat on the sofa and smiled at the little girl. "Her name is Maddie," Mary told her then looked at Sherlock. "She seems fine now."

Sherlock growled. "She wouldn't stop crying and now she hates me," He explained.

"How can a two year old hate you?" John asked and crossed his arms.

"I called her a drama queen and she moved away from me and started crying again," He explained.

"Has she eaten?" Mary asked.

Sherlock frowned. "Eaten?" He asked and tilted his head to the side.

John sighed. "Yes Sherlock, people need food to function," He stated.

"She fell asleep and she hasn't made any sort of indication that she is hungry," Sherlock told them.

"She's two, she can't really show you what she wants especially if she is in a new place," Mary told him.

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