Chapter 29: Daddy

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A/N- I'm so sorry !! It was my birthday the other day
and my brothers was two days after (We are two years and two days part)!!
Please enjoy this little chapter!!!

Mark carried Abbie through his stunning garden.

No one could deny that this garden was full of beauty and colour; The little toddler looked around. Mark gently placed Abbie on her feet and let her walk next to him, he gently picked up a white rose then snapped the little thorns off it then handed it to Abbie.

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful little girl," Mark said with a kind smile.

Abbie smiled and took the flower, she smelled the flower then giggled. "Thank you," She said sweetly.

He smiled at her. "Such lovely manners," He commented and petted her head.

The little toddler wasn't sure if she liked this new man, he seemed nice and her Uncle seemed to trust him...

Mark and Abbie walked around to a large brick fountain, in the middle of the fountain was a beautifully made Swan that sat proudly.

"What dat?" Abbie asked looking at the Swan.

Mark chuckled. "That is a Swan my dear, my Dad had it made for my Mom many years ago," He told her. "She loved it and this garden."

"Daddy?" She asked looking up at Mark then back to the house where she last saw her Dad.

Mark followed her line of sight, he saw the Holmes brothers, John Watson and Irene Adler talking; The billionaire couldn't see how such an argumentative family could have so much love for one another, Mycroft would go to the ends of the earth for Sherlock but why, when all they do is argue and fight one another?

"Do you love your Daddy and Mycroft?" Mark asked. "Even though they argue?"

Abbie frowned and nodded slowly her little eyes looked so innocent and sweet; Was she truly a Holmes?

"Daddy love me?" She asked Mark.

Mark smiled and picked Abbie up holding her close. "I think he does," He told her. "But guess who else loves you,"

Abbie frowned. "John?" She asked.

The billionaire chuckled. "Close but someone loves you more," He told her.

This only confused the toddler... "love Jack!" She told him.

Abbie smiled when she thought of Jack, he was like her brother!

Mark shook his head. "I love you Abbie, you are a very special little girl," He told her. The toddler frown as Mark started to walk back to the large house. "You'll soon see what I mean, very soon little one."

Abbie played with her dress as she was carried; It was hard for her to understand what Mark was on about, adults always made things too complicated. The closer they got to the house the louder the voices got... Especially the voices that belonged to the Holmes boys.

"DADDY!" Abbie shouted and wriggled in Marks grip.

Mark placed the little toddler down and watched her run to her Dad, Sherlock turned and caught his little girl with ease. "I'm glad you're safe!" He whispered.

"I told you she would be fine!" Sherrinford snapped.

Mark chuckled at the brothers. "The worry only gets worse as they grow," He told Sherrinford then looked at Sherlock. "What a gorgeous little girl you have Mister Holmes, very polite."

"Yes she gets her manners from her Mother," Mycroft stated while he glared at his younger brothers.

Mark chuckled. "I assume she got your intelligence?" He asked. "She is not like other children."

Abbie hugged Sherlock's neck as Mark touched the ends of her hair. "I have taught her everything she knows," Sherlock told him.

"Would you consider her as a mini version of yourself?" Mark asked.

Sherlock frowned. "An incredibly mini, young, female self," He explained. "She does have half my genes; My intelligence and her Mothers looks."

Mark nodded. "Amazing!" He breathed out. "Well if you come this way we shall start dinner!"

Everyone followed Mark into the Dinner hall; Abbie never relaxed in her Fathers arms, she couldn't, she felt scared... Something Mark said made her feel very uneasy, like when she was with Moriarty.

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